Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life: Man am I in Bind! I needed that Intuniv!

Friends and Obviously a Foe,

I needed that Intuniv lifted most likely off my night stand because idiot self did'nt put the pieces of the puzzle together in time from last years adulteration of my Vyvanse on a Saturday night that ledt me falling out in the floor on the Sunday morning I found my front door open!

When I woke up I could hardly walj.

Sadly I didn't report it to the police bacause of a past report that was handled as if I were crazy!

I have preceded with my business plans and will so but I sure like the sleep a small dose of Intuniv was helpping mw with!

Thanks to the perp for the Anxiety!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! People be safe with your medication and have it all in lock box or a safe deposit bix and feel no shame when you walj in to get your medication!
Like I will take my own advice again. Next time I get a chance to have security from Alliance Security Ill take it!

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