Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Life: Today is one of those days I call on..

Friends, visitors and alike,

Today is one of those days I call on the memories of stories such as the one oc Sir Richard Branson's fight to save Virgin Airways from the assault by British Airways to destroy his Company!

One simple phone call I received from a party to the last eight yers of hell I have seen rained down on my much smaller but still at least in my mind and heart noble st of life's dreamsezcuse my writing structure I cant see what I am typing on my phone but certainly appreciate my opportunity to have and use this Android Galaxy five to get the truth and my thoughts out!

Anyway Today I had to make a choice not accept a call that could be important or just a call to further degrade and demean!

Sir Richard Branson thankyou for letting your story of the fight against an enemy that would use any means neccessary to destroy your dreams be told so even a small businessman as myself does not have to accept the answer of conspiracies by one against another is an insane idea so a person as myself may have a chance for victory over ttyranny even if it includes those of us without great means!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge my frriend!

F. Clifton Wooley

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