Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life: Ty and Ally(?) Bank. Trying to find some humor here and tell some Truth.


Let's see. First. If Ally bank I would business with them with a advertising campaign reads 'No mind numbing customer Service!' I think that what the ad type read as I walked by the television. I'm too ADHD and in the dumps over the whole experience lately or in the last 24 hours to be much more positive but my attorney's office did call me which reassured me some but this not knowing if I will have ADHD medication as my docttor said one time is an anti-depressant that I agree whole heartedly with anyway having any ADHD medication other than fish oil is a downer after twenty years plus or minus is a downer!

As for Ty. I wanted to send a friend request to him but some nut put a pixture of a cat that looked like Lucy on one of what must be close to twenty pages that Ty needs to get rid of but who am I to talk?

I dont know how many fake pages I have but probably do thanks to the people that hate but think they are funny!

Val check your name too!

Facebook if you dont mind me saying so but im too dumb to do it unless scanner on this phone would do it, maybe a current drivers liscense scan would help cut the crap.

God bless, Peace love and knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

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