Saturday, February 18, 2012

ADHD: Pseudo-Ephedrine by itself just doesn't cut the mustard for an ADHD person. I know this. You know this. I don't see why people dont understand what it means to a person that can focus, pay attention, concentrate and have the imagination to listen to a basketball game and see it in your mind like you are there! Its like memorizing a set of blue prints on ten houses and keeping a fast mental picture of each in your mind and being able to make a call on any problem that comes in on your nextel like I know I can on amphetamins! Its just the damn truth. Without medication I dont beleive any human being can be a production builder much less see your dreams come true! Id love to challenge any sober, clean man to do what I can do on Adderrall Xr or Vyvanse at a high enough dosage! Any man! My father said I couldnt handle ten. Hell I can handle 15! Find a custom builder that can be meet me or Ty or possibly millions of us! The people that lie to get disability are the lazy people! I know what it means to have a super mind and it can last til your an old man too! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! F. Clifton Wooley Once you they call you a danger! Henry Ford probably took amps!

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