Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Advice: Learn all you can about the State of Alabama Mental Health System and compare with what you also research about Nazi Concentration Camps! The Military Channel and the History Channel is a good place to watch if you cant get to New Orleans and the Memorial(?) If your ADD, ADHD or have PTSD and refuse medication you may miss my point but no offense intended. I just understand only a small portion of what they were subjected to by means of psychological torture. I understand what it is like to be traumatized verbally, physically and by the use of medication under a type of hypnosis performed in a manner by whicg your memory is burned with the voice track of your molester! They live and breathe in this county and Mobile. Some were easiky scorched into my brain. Others were not close enough to the real person to positively identify but a timeline must exist to both prosecute and exonerate. Those closet to you are the easiest to identify or the person has an ethnic voice impossible to miss both at the time of assault and later when the real persons voice is heard. I hope no alteration was done but sone are just unmistakable! An Investigation just has to be initiated and those responsible brought to justice by a federal court. I am so concerned but not afraid that a major crime has been committed that some people incolved may get away if I dont stand my ground. There were and are many more victims if I have not been set-up to look like a fool. I still stand my ground until the last eight years of terror against my life is revealed completely. Many other lives may depend on it. I am no hero and humbly ask that I just be allowed to expose these people for The United States of America in dignity and peace. God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Thankyou Jimmy Swaggert Ministries for the passage from or in Phillipians! F. Clifton Wooley

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