Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fact: Subliminal Messaging Should be Regulated and a Criminal Law with.....


Subliminal Messaging and Promotion of a product should be regulated. A warning should be in place that clearly in plain English or whatever language is used predominately in an area should be used and/or displayed.

I use a sort of subliminal message in my tags for posts as after thoughts some my idea but unfortunately some planted which in my opinion is a violation of my civil liberties.

A crime.

Subliminal messages that are planted in persons mind some messages so loud they damage your hearing by whatever means and put lives in danger should not land the victim in a mental penal facility for further trauma the perpatrators should go to prison not the victim wouldnt most citizens of this planet agree?

I have fallen victim to thousands in an unholy witch hunt and attempted murder both physically and mentally!

Where are the laws to protect us from directed attacks using increasingly dangerous uses of this technology?

That is my reason for contacting Eric Roberts and the U.S. Attorney!

Our civil liberties and lives are at stake in this most unholy war and discarding of the basic principals our forefathers of all races and backgrounds have given life and limb if not tgeir minds to protect!

God use good people of all faiths to protect our great country and all others from such uses of propaganda and instruction to act upon one another or not to act at all!

The news should report and see both sides of all subjects and warn us when we are being set up and our law makers shoukd act to protect our right to all knowledge both ancient and realtime updates of use of such technology to promote strife and in decision.

The list is even longer. Our futures depend on action.

God bless, Peacs, Love and Knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

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