Monday, February 20, 2012

Journal Entry: The trip to the pier was later than usual. It was so clear but not as clear as Ive seen it. I took a picture that hopefully centers on where I and some good friends spent some wonderful times in our youth, not that our average is old by any means but it sure seems to be so many years ago for me. I'm not sure about them! Carol I hope you see it. Send it your mom and Tommy where ever he is. I hope Aimee, Michelle, George, Michelle Sims and anyone I forgot sees it and enjoys it as well. Anyway another day. God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! F. Clifton Wooley oh yeah its on Facebook I hope. All those unfinished or posts I placed online last night I'm glad I did in whatever shape they are in because cover times when I was under extreme pressure to fail on a medication I may have been tortured off of publicly or privately had stolen adulterated or in some way shape or form here right here in this house was made to look like a fool on but will save your damn life in every way possible! Period! The young people and older alike deserve better than to be treated like criminals and rejects for just trying to expand their minds and open hearts and lives up! The way Ive been treated is a lie that even county officials uphold by telling the untruth about Adderrall Xr and Vyvanse when I have seen in 45 years that medication do anything but good for good people! Thats the honest truth I've spent eight years defending and will til death no matter what harm the people that hate and lie may say! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge my true friends! F. Clifton Wooley

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