Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday before Mardi-Gras Sale: 10% off everything in our Inventory! We have thousands of misc small NON-Marine Items we own and have that arent even marked with a price that you are free to browse through and lets Just "Make a Deal"! I will turn it into Marine Inventory and Have the finest Marine Inventory on The Alabama Coast that is fully paid for and soley owned by F. Clifton Wooley for the first time in my Life! That should guareentee my survival thru any family, local or international threat- be it war, pestilence, famine or eight a Republican President thats not a Maverick! No offense George W. I know Cheny was a control freak! He was about as bad as Alexander Haig! God bless, Peace and Knowledge! F. Clifton Wooley Open til Noon!

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