Saturday, March 24, 2012

Journal Entry 032412-F: 1 equate psuedo-ephedrine 30mg more didnt do the trick. I started skipping words and sentences so I had too stop reading. No reason to try if you skip around. That means also you are not in deep thought or in other words you arent into the scene or imagining yourself in the moment. You that read and feel part of what your reading understand. Once you know why we can't be re-habed, punished or tortured and punished into submission easily! You can't really break us. "what the hell" anyone ADD, ADHD or not knows the experience if you have had it? I cant spare another pill today unless the anger manufacturers drop in too perpetrate that lie by threating over the various two-way communications systems employed. God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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