Sunday, March 25, 2012

Journal Entry 032512-B: Regarding the photocopy of Worth the Fibhting For! As well as my Pseudo-ephedrine shortage!


I tried to read further into the Chapter in a book over all I have enjoyed but I cant politically agree with the assessment in that particular chapters description President Clinton's foreign policy effectiveness with regards to diplomacy or our use of the military with in my opinion I would think the rest of the world was much more than successful!

Unfortunately I cant afford the additional pseudo-ephedrine needed to read further or objectively at this time.

I want to reitorate the combatants in the war I find myself and the sticking point I fell for:

The bottomline is I have always even when working in a family business and/or a business I owned or owned majority holdings in I have considered that business my own both in heart and soul.

When members of my family played the this and that game I lost respect in my heart for those that once preached this will be yours and congratulations on your successes!

I also lost respect for the do as your told go work for someone members and any respect for the members driving me out of business that once preached the virtues of working to own your own business again once they started preaching go get a job and not as Mr. Grodsky agreed when I asked "when can I form a new company?" His response "Today"!

Earned my respect!

Unfortunately mis-informed, resentful, greedy, self-centered, protectionist members have been my enemy every since well before that day Mr.Grodsky earned my respect.

Admittedly Lovd has almost killed me mentally and physically because I loved while those on the list in a previous post neither loved or cared as I arrogantly proclaim I in fact did love trying to blind myself to their unrealized hate of my values instilled by one or more of them over many years.

I have no issues with anyone on a payroll. Many of you with a dream to own and many of you with the dream of staying put or advancing up a company ladder!

I just have the mindship of owning my own business!

Thus my desire to stop operations here of my brick and mortar business to be moved to a location far enough away from any planned attempts to disrupt my already ADHD and heart broken mind!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

p.s.- It is unfortunate my foe brought in outside persons to be harmed emotionally or financially!

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