![Clock in Bad Salzdetfurth, Germany, Badenburge...](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/BadSalzdetfurthBadenburgerStr060529.jpg/300px-BadSalzdetfurthBadenburgerStr060529.jpg)
I am so angry at the people that kill their own children in these meth lab explosions!
Not only do they kill their children but they kill themselves and if they just happen to be something else they kill every last person on the planet that is ADHD or ADD!
They might as well get hold of an Atomic bomb and kill all 40 million of us in this country and the millions around the world that could benefit from being treated for ADHD, ADD or even Depression!
I suffer tremendously because of ADHD myself! I now there are others out there that need help with this insidious debilitating condition that gets worse the older you get and go through life experiences!
I can't buy my Damn medicine at the Gas Station anymore!
I can't even ask anybody for outright help staying on the damn prescription medication without ridicule or fear of discrimination and I blame the idiots that take lives directly and indirectly too!
I wake up every day having to deal with ADHD it's effects on my life after watching some idiot on television the day before kill innocent children and further make it difficult to impossible for anyone to get treatment for a real and as stated insidious life-long condition called ADHD, ADD and by the time it's about mid-life if not sooner it's depression!
See your Damn doctor and tell 'em what I said!
The poor children of some of these brilliant people that wind up killing themselves and/or their own children or somebody Else's need help in more ways than one!
Now I feel as though I'm losing the point! So Go figure on it!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
P.s.- I am a former Home-builder and still could be ith some help staying on my medication! I have a basic plan to just that for other people and have for years!
As a builder I had to visit my jobs if not daily in person by Nextel with anyone on the job having an kind of issue!
Same type thing with medication control!
I.) People have to feel comfortable with a doctor so they cn dicuss openly what the issue is!
II.) The diagnosis had to be right on!
III.) Someone has to care about individuals that the medication may just save their damn lives!
IV.) The patient has to know their doctor cares!
V.) The patient has to know their family or if they have enough damn money to pay somebody that they care!
VI.) The patient has to be assured that if they get through one damn day on their medication at an acceptable dose that the NEXT day after some type of sleep for God's sake- willbe a better damn day!
*VII.) The longer you stay on the mediation (Job) the more likely it is get finished! It hurts a hell of a lot worse to fail at that for a patient than anyone can imagine unless you have been there!
*I am not talking withdrawals- I am talking psychologically!
VIII.) If you are an adult you can coach your own damn self once you get on and stay the damn medication! My opinion and most-likely bravely I go a fact!
9.) Sorry I didn't think Roman numerals were all that important in school either!
X.) If you are an adult nd care about somebody that is ADHD or ADD and have nothing else but a damn phone! Call the them everyday at least and let them know you care and ask, plead, demand- well demanding any adult produces defiance no matter their demeanor. Use your people skills that we ALL have to use to get a job or sell ourselves in some way, shape or form if you really as hoped care!
*Note: If you can't find some part of yur life that has some distraction factor or hyper-activity over anything that you can't control such just getting redy to go fishing or to a football game or seeing your girlfriend (boyfriend) you might have enough understanding to help!
Ifyou have total control over everyting in our life with-out medication you'll just be so damn mean to the poor soul tryng to control ADHD then don't even try! Find someone else that understands!
Search Amazon.com for adhd adult
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