Monday, January 2, 2012

Jamaica was right on staying left? No doubt!


I've lost my mind this morning but I'll find it around here somewhere Today as soon as I Take some pseudo ADHD medication. No disrespect to Suda-Fed because without that anti-depressannt lift and for lack of a better word, phrase or whatever I'd go insane on some damn rehab person since Ghost Buster's called and said 'They were so busy, I'd have to pay them in pounds and I can't get through to Jamaica! LMAO!

So I decided to get up and take my Cymbalta by Lilley because ready to 'run' as the boss from Jersey sings about most likely on whatever it takes to do his job at our age.

I hope in your country the fascist still use loud speakers in the concentration camps or internment facilities that here in States we call jails and mental hospitals but they use intercoms and if you find a person from Mexico if he has been in one of our facilities he might cry telling you the truth.

I witnessed this on two short occasions and thanks to a man of color or a black man and a man from Mexico said here let me help you get the hell out of here by telling me go get a password from the only man that had one to use the most expensive phone in the world to calll your wife and then telling me here man you need to get your stuff and helped me out of a lexon encased hell we all had to endure, well you see we are Free but fighting to stay that way has been a two-hundred plus year struggle that has it's ups and downs but we fight on!

God Bless America when everyone has to talk all at once at the dinner table in jail so none of us newbies turn ourselves in before we have a chance to have a client lawyer privelige.

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Please fight for Freedom and Privacy and buy from me cause we all have been to jail or will to defend Freedom.

F. Clifton Wooley

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