Sunday, January 8, 2012

Politics: Mr President OBama.

Mr President OBama,

I'm so ADHD all I can do is talk particularly first thing in the morning. However.

I want congratulate you on job well ddone under the extreme circumstances you inheritated even if I am continually under assault to leave the most Republican County in Alabama, a fact myself, Dan O. Garroway and least but not last sorry for the early dyslexia but anyway Mr. Michael Allegri and our disaccosiated of the Demoxratic Party of Baldwin County. We beleive in you.

I wish you well in the coming election and my hope is that republican friends will take the time to read the number going back almost a gundred years and vote the numbers, buy from us democrats so we can support the best man for the job for many reasons.

Friends if truth be known I need your help to keep a dream alive build a business create jobs and find a prescriber for the ADHD medication that works by sgire so that dream maybe realized in peace.

I also need the profits to continue taking care of my close family, my dog my political agenda and charitable leanings but last but not least pay an,
attorney, file my taxes and have a damn keybord I can see so I dont screw up the html oh and pay the wonderful people at Rent A Geek services to keep me online with blogger and Google.

I would love to meet the surgeon general from the Bayou and talk Add and Adhd with Dession related conditions.

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

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