Sunday, January 15, 2012

Today's trip to the pier did me some good, not to say anyone or organization is off the hook! The Feds are on the way so sweat. Don't let me down Feds! However if you like walkin in the rain on the beach on hot summer night, Pina Coda's and Yorkshire Terriers also if your not afraid of men on Adderall Xr or Vyvanse let's hook up set it up through Facebook and bring the Adderall Xr or Vyvanse and if you take one I will too, we will rent a car unless you gotta Benz and well take off one weekend! Lord how do I get anybody to take me seriously. Everybody should if you dont mind me saying so? God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! F. Clifton Wooley Maybe I can get my on script so were legal Eagles! We can pay attention everything especially each other!

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