Saturday, March 24, 2012

Journal Entry 032412-A: Good Saturday Morning Planet! I hope you feel better than I do this morning!


If Boo Boo and I have any. I'm trying my best not to curse, so please bare with me please!

I went to sleep last night privately hoping I could get up and get out of this god awful house and go to a new doctor before I die in this house from whatever I have stopping up my damn head.

I woke up to several people joking with me about getting out of bed and damn I dont recall what they were saying, I had just been through several awful dreams about everything from Lice in my ears, to hook worms to heart worms put in my damn Vyvanse capsules last year and after being imobilized by denial anyone would stoop so low as to poison me, Boo Boo and Lucy last year I had to wake up to people joking the hell about it!

I even took a right swing at the damn wall when I got up to make coffee!

Hell this isnt the way life is anywhere on this earth that I am familiar with where people get you depressed before you wake up enough to remember their damn names!

I'm afraid this is the perfect murder!

I woke up or even went to bed hoping I could get up and get out of here alive today.

I even had a flutter in my damn right ear this time around.

Damn I hate this group of thugs!

I try to make my own decisions!

I hate being manipulated!

I took my damn medicine last night and slept eleven damn hours!

I was going to a damn doctor this morning in Alabama of all places and try to get some help with a new doctor and I'm too ill to be manipulated into going to the doctor by people I can't talk to and know I still love!

What the hell is this the perfect damn murder?

I took two equate pseudo-ephedrines now I'm confused if I should be defiant and go or be defiant and just die on these two meager pseudoephedrines!

I didnt even allow myself to stay up last night and watch the damn basketball games because some deep throated SOB came in here to talk and I didnt want my father to show up and get me in a damn rage!

I hate the SOB now and everytime he shows up I'd just as soon tear the house down than listen to his god awful voice! Yeah he shows up in voice!

I have to turn and leave the damn scene when he shows up in real person I hate his involvement in my life so damn much!

He makes me sick with his play it nice to my face then turn on me like he did the last time he showed up to sell his damn camper telling me without warning I couldnt use my damn name!

Bastard is almost as bad as my damn sister!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! I sure wont get that chance with them coming into my life!

They should pay Shire for the defaming and prevention of my having a life!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

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