Saturday, June 23, 2018

Journal Entry 062318-A: My Statement on this Friday Night and the Weekend!


My God at least I have a Smile on my face this morning my friends.

I even determined something very important last night that is very important to our male-female relationships which if you don't have a rudder or a steering system commonly known as a wife or for that matter whatever your DNA may have formed your gender preference to be which I do believe to be the truth in most cases and strictly choice in other cases but none-the-less my opinion that I hope you don't find offensive because I was born to love people regardless and I happen to prefer a particular female personality.

Why am I writing this?

I have no idea because how in the hell would I explain it on a dating site but no matter I am too old school for that.

I met my 1st wife in Central Baptist School across from Bishop State Community College on Dauphin Island Parkway and my 2nd for the 2nd time when she visited a friend with her girl friend while we were putting an engine in his 70 Chevy Chevelle one Saturday Afternoon on Hollinger's Island across the bay in Mobile.

We were together 1 plus years and 20 plus year's respectfully and
that is how you meet Soul Mate's.

Hopefully the next Soul Mate I meet will be in some similar fashion and not through some dating site that I wouldn't expect to meet anyone but people that are as confused about how to describe what type of person you are attracted to as I am.

Old School people met and they clicked or they didn't making adjustments along the way and it must have worked for my 2nd marriage for 20 plus years.

Now with that said "I hope they both have a good weekend and you do too because I last went out in my boat with my 3rd
Soul Mate on July 4th 2011 and I'll be damned if someone didn't make that impossible because of some stupid other plan they had in mind for me which left me alone and her hopefully where she needs to be on this planet!

Frankly for someone with a smile on their face I am crazy as hell to expect to meet the 4th without some miracle destruction of a program that I detest because it robs you of your life.

I know because I had a good life going in the right direction until some idiot in Washington made some changes that have made it almost impossible for me not to look like a damn fool but that is fine.

If I look like a fool now I didn't before they started so I can live out my life content that I was right they were wrong and if there are others like me maybe the problem will be fixed without anymore suffering by those of us that know what we were can be and may never be because of some dumb ass in Washington that has trickled down hell on Earth to what a bill board in Foley says may put our numbers in the 20 percentile range of the population in the
United States of America!

A Learning Disability.

I just bought a tire for my truck. Took 3 months. Had to find someone that could replace the old tire in less time than my impatience would allow which is ridiculous!

It sounds ridiculous and is ridiculous!

Sweat Tire handled the Tire in less than an hour which was Fantastic!

In the 90's we spread by word of mouth that we were over the counter and to the ones of you that ruined that however you managed to do that Country wide well shame on you because over the counter beat being put in a system that is ruthless and down right a lie and will be for now until it is changed.

It just will be my Friend's.

We will be in a mess until we get rid of this ridiculous system meant to be used against upwards of 60,000,000 Americans if at all possible before the number becomes 30% or 90,000,000 Americans as Technology eats away at the poor man's ability to find a Trade continue their personal gains and most Add to dictionary our Professions which is what I need that Soul Mate for so that I can lift her up after she lifts me up which honestly?

All 3 of the Soul Mates I have had in my life for any length of time have done which in turn unleashes my confidence and self-esteem which if allowed to happen just might make the lift worth her time and by goodness - it almost has once in my life but not with a brute on my back that isn't even considered a threat by most to the 60 Million I spoke of nor is the medicine that if I died today my last words would be if possible it was damn well worth 10 years of traveling to the Gas Station to pick up some medicine!

That medicine was strong, long-lasting and inexpensive you just had to figure out your own dosage which was easy enough until Washington and do goaders began tampering with the ingredients.

Heck some of us might even have gotten a chance to ease over to the doctor's office and chance a prescription for Adderall.

Own your own or with your family the best damn medicine ever put on this planet by God to be made into a prescription medication around 1874.

Adderall works miracles and so do other stimulants for ADHD, ADD and Depression as one Doctor I respect dearly told me once.

There is a Facebook Page I get that makes fun of the hyper active but although it irks me to see uniformed people make fun of something they no nothing about I keep their update.

I guess to remind myself how ridiculous this whole thing has become in our Country.

I just made a couple of edits to this for you and I wanted you to know that I had edited this page.

I just had to write this post Today even if it makes me look manic or some crap because it does you no good to have this medicine (Phentermine) if you are beat to death literally for getting it so that your energy returns after the beat down but I get it anyway because I pick up information that I need just by realizing a wall board in my office shows that since I hurt myself on
July 4th 2016 this place has been in a nose dive.

I am not giving up on this dad-gum store until I am ready to do what I want to do hopefully as a compliment to it but damn.

I used to take 24 Pseudoephedrine which I quit in February of this year so my I could work on my blood pressure and weight but shoot I have something in my head that makes those Siemens things look like old style hearing aids.

Hell folks if you ever have felt around for something in the dark oh Hell I am Coo Coo!

Those damn things are there and I know they are there because if they aren't hearing/killing tools then I am a monkeys uncle.

My God!

Why someone had them installed is beyond my belief because they certainly aren't in there implanted under the skin for fun and games.

I can feel the damn things. I had a double ear infection in 2011 and no one did a thing but keep up the heat on me so if you happen to know how everyone else has there's stuck in there ear so it can be removed at night and mind were put in under the skin so I can't even control my own bed time I sure would like to know?

You would think I tried to kill somebody.

Bottom line?

I bought some Phentermine and I will let you beat the sonic hell out of me before I submit to some program that could just as well have ruined my professional life.

I like to build something anything but although my medicine will not work as it did when I was selling and building homes nor even after that when I was prescribed Adderall or had some Phentermine it sure beats the hell out of the prescription pain and nerve pills I have and to be honest I'm tired of the injustice.

I think the things can be used to hurt somebody physically with there Sonic blasts in fact I know they can so if I am not out in my boat let's just say I get my guts blasted out on or off this Adderall or Phentermine.

No wonder I need medicine to get in the mood. My God.

I even feel it when I am hit and fluid is run down my side so whoever runs this program let me just say "I had no problems before you except with bad Ephedrine my own Government ruined and after I am gone by your so-called threats hit a few hundred thousand people and see if they don't get together.

They just might and if they do they will out number you and your kind because sonic blast waves are a Hell of a way to prove a medicine is killing someone when like I said the Homes were sold and Homes were built and I feel pretty damn stupid sitting here trying to smile while someone uses the things to kill me in the year 2018.

In the year 2050 will we have a FREE America?

In the year 2050 will medicine be outlawed and controlled by only people that may love you or work for someone else and prescribed only if some NEW Age Medicine as I am told each night as I lay in the bed trying to go to sleep.

interest in being awake because someone has killed your interest.

Oh a real Ambien would put me to sleep even on a real Adderall as it used too but my God!

I think the people in charge of my life have gone insane!

I really do.

I may be too now myself because without some peace and quiet and some medicine to at least stimulate my brain I walk around like a high speed zombie I guess waiting on someone to put me on some crap that has a name that maybe different but is the same.

Makes you sleepy and a Target!

Ephedrine never made me sleepy and tired so I guess I got my sleeping pills then by the Holy Spirit.

I believe there is a Holy Spirit somewhere but on this Planet?

I knew not going out Boating would finally drive me to the edge of sanity with these damn things in my head.


Have you heard voices in your head lately?

If so - If you can't remove your hearing aids at night then I'm not telling you anything but you would think someone would tell me something in person that makes sense not non-sense.

I'm trying to stay away from Oatmeal with Vitamins in it because I launch like a rocket since I filled my last prescription nerve pill!

I hate Vitamins. They never have done anything but make it easy for me to lose my cool and I'm eating 12 bags a day.

Make me lay down in the day time those responsible for this atrocity. Go Ahead. You may find one day I was worth saving if I was building dog houses.

At least I would be building something besides wasting time being tested to see if I can handle enough of an invasion of my space to warrant just about any response.

Where are Civil Rights Lawyers in this Country?

Now you better take a friend that knows the dosage should be higher than is presented for prescription - it could mean millions of dollars of income and the chance to actually help people in fact it does mean that difference in your ability it also will bring a family together if you want the truth which I have photo's of in my house and Store.

Those photo's are proof positive that I was a happy, caring individual that wanted to be with the people I love more because of so many reasons I can't begin to count them.

One reason is the reason a Soul Mate for an Open minded Human being might even help you because I would make it known this time around if I were prescribed a higher dose and it began to change my life back to where a woman, a family and my work in my profession that I loved the most put one person under a roof!

I would buy the space in the Newspaper if need be to list the improvements and uplifting of others I got so much joy out of once in my life the medicine and love of another woman would indeed produce,

I am so serious that it is unbelievable somewhere someone would doubt I am telling the truth - to me it is my Friend's.

What a waste of time writing this has been when
I have some jerk that is a brute Gorilla beating his chest somewhere about his wonderful system that is simply a lie!

If God put it here and it worked for 6,000 year's probably even in the shipments from China before the revolutionary war that arrived in America then why put the control in people's hands across this land that neither understands nor gives a damn about why it was so important to a lot of people!

A lot of people!

Stand up my Friend's if you were one of those that found peace and solace in inner knowledge needed to prevent life's set backs or crashes that in 1992 I didn't even know existed (Inner Knowledge) and if asked wouldn't you be better off not knowing that peace and solace my reply would still be for God Sakes No.

Otherwise I wouldn't have realized people's lust for money and notoriety through deception when most reading this get some benefit from a cup of Coffee cognitively maybe even romantically in destroying person's ability to get back on the unemployment figures and back on the way to doing a little something good again with there life before they are dead just for the Hell of it which might just make it worth a woman's time to come into my life or yours and look at a past success and the current situation and say damn this is screwed up!

"Let's get you back up to speed and see if we can make this damn thing work for us and not the other greedy idiots!"

One month of her steering with a rudder of military style discipline and I would figure out so many little important details over looked and left undone each day that some never give a second thought too that we would do people some good again!

And Quickly my Friend's.

In fact she could go about her business as usual just kick me in the Ass with a properly dosed Adderall or Two like I was prescribed in the past and she could say go do what you used to do!

I know you can! You know you can now let's prove your worth my time and those people you want to keep informed with a Newspaper Advertisement will soon start getting updates!

I guarantee I would proudly introduce her to my family and get to know them again NOT to mention her family as I with her help in 30 days or less would at least be close cognitively to my former self!

Thank you!

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