Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just a theroy on Lohan from an ADHD & Depression sufferer!

Just a theory on Lindsay from an ADHD sufferer!
Category: Life

I have a theory that may hold no water with some of you. However maybe it would hold water with the more enlightened of you if not the most intelligent?

Take the Lohan situation? Why do people so-called self destruct? Is it out of pure spite for themselves?

I doubt that don't you think?

I've chronicled my own experiences with both depression, stress, ADHD, striving for a planned success in life with all those issues on my back as well as the biggest monkey of all and that is the people we hope or turn too for help that tun out to be the monster we have the most trouble with.

In fact they can come on us full bore and torture the hell out of us in the name of our own God and lord and savior!

Poor Lindsay, her demons could be right there next to her! Just like Elvis or even more recently Michael Jackson of note. Do you think he was murdered for money?

I do!

Floyd C Wooley

P.s.- So what about Lindsay Lohan? Is there any such thing as addiction brought on by the people around you that turns your life up side down and ruins it through their control freak attitudes? I know their can be but does she? God be with you as I am!

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