Friday, July 16, 2010


Category: Life

My faith in many things mostly doctors, and the like has been shaken terribly who would have guessed over the last couple of days.

I'll be back on spreading the truth and trying to help somebody as soon as I get my senses back to where I can think straight.

Good luck, Love and peace!

Floyd C. Wooley

I have very little faith left in our professionals on the police force in this country as well except that I know a few good men personnaly and they are NOT prejudiced against any man, woman or child for any reason! You should feel the same way as you watch CNN or any other professional News outlet! I myself have seen a policeman attack an unarmed man who happened to be my father and when I can I will that story from my child-hood NOT out of hate but from experience and hopefully to help people understand what we are all fighting for in our own country!

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