Wednesday, July 14, 2010

# one misery street! You could n't lift out of this mud hole with a crane!


I take something back I said earlier this day about Benadryl. When it is with tylenol it helps me to sleep gently over time but benadryl just did not do that by itself and that has happened before.

Other wise I'm whipped from holding those wolves that sound human and familiar to me back and trying to accomplish something and not let them keep me from doing what I want in my own home and it is just a bitch when this type simple technology is loosed on you and you love people too much to do much about it!

My life is ruined on a regular basis by a few do gooders and I'm sorry but my only outlet is to tell you on here and it is such a shame cause without their harassment I might have enough energy and focus left from my ADHD meds to actually get something done! I mean it is the worst case of abuse I've ever seen and all I want is for some folks to play it nice for a while and let me get back on my feet!

I again am sorry but I'm telling you the truth! Unless you think people should be treated like slaves and only let out of a cage when it is convenient!

I don't and I also don't want to be any body's labor boy after six years of Hell on earth! Do I sound angry? I'm not cause I'm too tired trying to have a say so in my life because undue to anything much more than being stupid I'm pretty clear of being ranked on the world's most wanted list although not everyone agrees but I guess that's life.

I want sometimes to just be exiled to a dessert island and live it out there if I could now why am I so down? Cause I'm always down without my anti-depressant and that is played with me too so I'm just a noodle that needs to be tossed cause I can't defend myself verbally from mental cases that want you down in my rental house that I just can't make myself get out and consistantly feel like working cause I have this family or friends group that thinks life is more important than quality and how they think that I don't know cause I've been sad for so long I'm afraid I'm contagious. I wish I were bi-polar cause it could be fixed but I'm not, plain and simple I'm just trying to keep my mood up which hasn't been normal for six or seven years and I'm not tlaking mad I'm talking just no motivation so stay away from me if you are a woman cause I aint worth a dime and I'm told that constantly by my loving friends that God I wish I was crazy, insane and nuts but these folks are well wired into my home or wireless.
To hell with looking for it that would have killed me years ago!

Maybe next year I'll be happy or dead cause I'm almost in despair from hell on earth. I'm so tired but I can't stop typing now that I've started. I guess I did something to deserve this hell on earth but I can't quite figure what. Really what? If you really knew me I am not a hater never been but hated on is an understatement and when I'm told get a lawyer I think with what?

Oh Britton Bonner I decided to vote for Green if you say he is honest then he is so that's the bottom line on that.

Otherwise I'm a shell of who I was when you knew me and I was one tired person trying to work 24/7 after Ivan. Now I'm just miserable all day every day because I'm not really ADHD like I had treated myself successfully for over ten years! That is what my family and friends want is me to discount using an ADHD natural derivitive for over ten years and go drug free and get a job! Britton I may not have the world title for work but I could have been close one time and I'd most likely do it again in a controlled manner if my loving helpers that have helped me right out of my marriage, home, businesses, assets, self-esteem that is lasting well hell my ADHD meds go like they walk out of this house and I'm told I'm just forgetting that I took them!

Bottomline is somebody is a liar, cheat and crazy and I'm hoping I don't die before I prove it isn't me!

I will be back on the couch in a daze if my meds are not refilled like they would have been but I got a little idea to negotiate with my tormentors and they kicked my ass over that. You know I know people think I'm crazy for saying what I say but it's out of hand here and it was from the day I walked in! My family has to be the most stubborn anti-ADHD family known to man or they are being lied to by somebody too!
Seriously? Why couldn't this be the most corrupt situation that has been seen in years my gut tells me it is and it also tells me life means nothing to anyone.

Oh my girlfriend. Well we weren't officially anything but I was smitten because I haven't had anyone smile and be nice to me in so long not to mention she is cute as hell but anyway if I make it through this tormenting misery without it being on national news it will be a miracle! Why not? I've never known such an unlikely situation to be real and that is it! What else could I say? Shoot me!


F. Clifton Wooley

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