Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Looking for positives in negative situation! The only way to hang on to past accomplishment's!


Transparency? Transparent in a world that has become again because of a positive experience only two weeks ago and another going on another week with a few more opp's to give it the old Tiger Woods fist for success that may have seemed scarce for months prior in any form much less to a high level of satisfaction has made me somewhat more frustrated with and more defensive of my own ability to continue to have those experiences in my life and be it a some put it just another day for those around you at least you have been part of the positive and not the negative.

The bottom-line is that I have been conditioned that any arguing back or anger is not to be tolerated and psychological means of verbal punishment are used to keep you in line! That can make an already tense situation with your "coaches" more intolerable and downright harmful to their subject!

I have physical injuries sustained in defense of myself that were strictly defensive in nature as say an animal will ruffle it's feather's to ward of an attack!

The damage done to me psychologically is evident in the fact I even when asked by my wife in a off-hand way if I wanted to move back to our home of over 10 years when she herself moved out I flatly declined! That home on Ridgewood Dr is only to be compared to say the Hanoi Hilton for lack of a better word presently! A concentration camp atmosphere existed in that house for months into over a year while I was taught lesson on each of me medications that were meant to help not harm!

Those lesson were by inducing the subject to take more than the subject wanted to take and then have them suffer from the effects but don't worry it would be compared to my own cousin "John New" that threw himself on a granade in World War Two to save his officers that were meeting nearby! John New won the medal of honor for that act of bravery and self-lisness.

I actually hoped that even although to most times to a small degree that harm would come to me and that if nothing else the career of that so-called "coach" or "drill sergeant as I called one of them would be ruined if not criminal proceedings would follow against them. I knew there was a chance I would be scene or made to look like the cause but I had no idea where the office was that these people were using to verbally destroy my life in chunks of weeks and months that I am sure other members of my family had no idea were being lost by me. I hope not!

The idea that I single-handidly over dosed on my own and I could have died as I taunted my tormenters with the fact they may indeed be placing their self in danger without having the sense to realize it!

All I wanted was for the assaults on my life to end.

I am proud to say that although I now may think twice before taking a life-saving drug that I was not broken as I have seen moderators on internet chat rooms seem to accomplish with a person simply asking if they could have an ibuprofin for a headache and being soundly scolded in the public forum for even considering such an act of self-help!

I have made nothing up and declare as God as my witness these and other much more horrible events happened while I was in no way able to get help fom the Daphne Police! In fact! Wait til you hear the story of what can be accomplished against men that in some cases if not most are harasssed in jail and use group efforts to try to drown out the attacks!

Take care.


Floyd C. Wooley

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