Sunday, July 11, 2010

A positive experience about medication!


Thank God for free speech and I'm not here to incriminate, discriminate or decimate lives. Our founding father's had some guidance from history and God obviously!

Today I was able to do what any person that is ADHD in this modern world of ours wants so badly to do that you get to the point where you want to share a positive experience regardless of any possible harm it may cause you in your life so that you may help someone else that may or may not know what I'm talking about.

I'm a person that made so many mistakes when I first began to reach out for help with what at the time were more than ADHD symptoms! My symptom's were exacerbated by several events that culminated in a desperate attempt to save my life- mentally!

I could have lived fine in a slumber of depression and the effects of no longer having the capability to self-medicate as I had for many years over the counter due to events beyond my control and the associated debilitating effects of a life-long belief that ADD/ADHD Depression or any other type of mental state other than I had experienced normally and had snapped out of on my own prior was just fine except that I knew better!

You may say you knew better? I did through my own experience self-medicating and watching and observing others in a life's work that I love dearly and you can read all about that in my profile.

The bottom-line is that I was afraid of asking for help in a mental health situation and it cost me dearly. Why? My upbringing and the people that were around me and their views on my issue(s) depending on how you look at them now. Hind-sight or from my point of view at the time if only it had not been tainted for a short time. What was tainted? My view of my situation prior to, during and after that point in the Spring of 1996! Oh some may have had prior opinions or none at all but I did and now I'm alive to tell it a little more openly and free from harassment that the Geico commercial parody of the drill Sergeant as a therapist has nothing on let me tell you! I had one in house! Well in his office but clearly and definitely audible in my home! Why else would I not want to live in that place? None!

Today I and my son wanted both badly to see "Predators". I was afraid I would not be able to sit through the movie or that on the wrong medication for ADHD or to high a dose through my own impatience with the medication would fall asleep from taking too much early on and falling asleep only to hurt my son's feelings did what any human being would do in a country that should make mental health a topic in school that is discussed not as a stigma but as a possible positive experience.

I took an Adderall XR (generic) and split it into too doses and took my son to the movies, had a great time, to my knowledge he had a great time and my life has been uplifted for the experience! Why?

The Bottom-line on Today? I wanted my son to have a good time with his Dad!!!!!!

I might add as well and another story for another time! I had one hell of a 4th of July! The 1st good one in many years- maybe at least six! Six years after years of not such bad ones well except when I drank to much! Yes another problem solved!

Because my miserable tendency to be hyper especially with my limited physical opportunities to utilize the energy my body produces and expels regardless of my attempts to control it were in fact under control and I sat in that seat for approximately two hours not asleep from prior days of being impatient nor troubled, tormented or otherwise taunted into or out of bed by the well-intentioned (I hope) person's involved in my six year battle to turn back what was perceived at one time in the wrong way as a person that wanted to NOT be medicated!

That was my fault by way of some miserable people in places of authority that scared anyone for that matter that took anything legal or otherwise in this area for what I feel may in fact be ADD/ADHD or associated symptoms! Yeah they may just be drug addicts but 6 million people a week take 5-hour energy and I would bet most are looking for the same thing I was looking for when I 1st started taking Ephedrine over the counter on a regular basis in 1993!

Possibly the millions that have allergy's and take Claritin as advertised for focus, concentration and whatever else feel the same way I do about the disgrace that was the person of authority that labeled some members of the community as nothing but chemicals when millions upon millions of us that are chemicals by biological standards to begin with have, are and will continue to add chemicals to our bodies to survive whatever physical or mental issue we may face to save our lives be it to continue to have brain function, breath, control in most cases simple personality traits that can debilitate depending upon your own situation or to defeat some insidious disease such as cancer or heart disease, etc! Shame on that individual and local citizens know who that person is and he himself knows who he is so be it upon him to contemplate his own contribution to people's suffering!

My family's own unwillingness to accept ADHD or Depression as a real and treatable condition without placing a person in the most horrid conditions is not for debate and I understand through my own research just how little time has elapsed since our transition from pouring whiskey on a wound to the modern medicine of today prior to surgery has elapsed!

I have very little education myself on such subjects but thank God for the information age because prior to my own purchase of and use of a computer while self-medicating on Ephedrine I was much less aware than I am Today of the facts noted above!

For God's sake if you are suffering mentally from anything be it depression, irritability, anger, lack of self-confidence, mood swings, hyper-activity that makes your family wonder what is the problem here? Why can't this person focus on one or more tasks and complete as they must to succeed or the lack of hyper-activity some experience but for some reason just cannot make the grade or enjoy a good book or article on the Internet- SEE someone and trust them!

If you get caught up in a bunch of crap that just doesn't seem right even if you are self-medicating on something other than a prescription don't take less than your best as a solution! Remember what has worked best for you and if it hurts to tell it to a professional- NOT a re-habber for God's sake! A real professional that has your best interest at heart, do it as soon as you can!

Irritability can make your life miserable and that of your family's if nothing else is evident too you and being ADD or ADHD and depressed because you have had no one nor have you researched it yourself is possible and in my case for God's sake who wouldn't have been depressed given my circumstances at the time!

Millions of us are and medication for ADHD ADD such as Addderall XR certainly has never made me irritable if it was not for person's trying to make me that way intentionally! Yes! Intentionally. I hope that is something that will become a thing of the past. Why?

For almost 13 years I self-medicated and not once did I ever attack, harm, threaten or otherwise make anyone feel uncomfortable so I am a subject of prime study not that I want to be!

I may have been irritable but for God's sake I did have a pretty interesting set of circumstances that I've only begun to touch on in my blogs, writings that are unpublished and the such!

God Bless! Read a book on ADD. My doctor recommend one a few weeks ago and it is fantastic! Uplifting almost to a spiritual nature but since I was saved in the Spanish Fort church of Christ on Ephedrine in fact in 1996,97 or such my savior would not want me to be too- well you know what my savior is Jesus Christ and he would want happiness in any one's life through his father our God! The God of Abraham, Moses and one other I am sorry I forget but take care, be safe, love somebody and hope or pray for our country!

By the way "Predator's" was great on a scale of one to ten I'd rate it an eight!

-Floyd Clifton Wooley

P.S.- Who knows what is out in that universe that our insignificant minds have yet to unravel and discover which I hope God allows us to do before we kill every man, woman and child on this planet being so narrow-mined! We do need a victory soon and an out of these wars don't you think?

I just love to think, read, write and learn, don't you? I love to express myself too, don't you?

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