Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is it like to give up? A little advice!

July 13, 2010 - Tuesday

Current mood: tired
Category: Life
Friends, enemies and the those wolves at bay,

Seriously folks some people just love to bring you down, down, down, just to see if you can pick it up and climb out while others just have a life and could care less!

I love the care less people that are doing their thing every day acting like they have it real bad myself cause they miss any miserable crap you are going through and that is fine with me!

I had one hell of a night with the wolves or dogs of war which in straight talk are the ones that have nothing better to do than blast someone else with negativity and hope for the best of their works to be that you get nothing done!

They love to see you give up! Hell I never have given up on anything worth fighting for and now is not the time to retreat like a scared little rabbit that is really a squirrel with some nuts and a little sense!

If you are ADHD stand up and shout it out proudly and take your medication of choice and tell the rest of the world to get a damn job before you do!

Now in reality. It may be a little more difficult if you have an army of those type's your surrounded by and the accomplishments will be difficult and slow to come your way but for God's sake who has the time to work you like a drum 24/7 365?

Losers and people that are scared of their shadow or just plain in a place they can't see the light from or maybe just don't want a black-sheep like me to make them look foolish!

Ah the poor souls of despair. They get me acting like a bi-polar nut that is lost sometimes and since my move south they have been stepping up the pressure but you know what?

I voted Today. Bought what I needed to continue my life in some fashion toward an intended goal and laughed it all off on the way home as just another day in the park with another night of potential hell not of my doing to come if i don't act like I'm scared of the bi-polar police picking up an ADHD person out of confusion!

You know what I mean if you are what you are and keep that straight so as to not let anyone get you in a bind that makes your life a burden to carry! That is depression and it can be handled with your same medication that helps you focus, concentrate and aim your laser beam of a plan to fruition! Complete your day with a Benadryl and see if that will get you some rest like it seems to have me but watch the Tylenol cause it combined is not quite a good mix. I'm just saying it may work for you and I'll let you know if it works for me over the long haul but---

Do it your damn way and not at anyone's set time and get up and roll on with your life! Just adjust the times as you have too to get your needed rest.

See I have those wolves (people) that think I'm disabled permanently and God I'd rather starve, die or be buried alive than be a burden on anyone including myself!

I take two! Yes two and if I could take one I would but what for so I can live the life of misery and have an unfulfilled life to suit who?

You too my friends must make that choice and since God love them, my family is anti-this and negative that about ADHD most of the time I don't have the luxury of taking it easy! That is a shame cause being ADHD can be so comfortable if you learn and pay attention to your body and it's needs enough to make it all work!

My life has been jaded by the few but it has been actually pretty fulfilling prior to the prejudice of seeing a doctor but it is not her fault!

Trust yourself but make yourself do what you must if you are new to this whole deal but at your time and place so you don't experience the down time I have in depression at the failure of your loved ones and closest friends to have understanding because it just is not going to happen unless you are a fortunate one to surround yourself with like minded but open minded person's as well!


F. Clifton Wooley

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