Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Read this blog as if your life depended on it!


I have had it with being nice and appeasing! If I continue not one person will beneifit from my life!

I'm not a genius, nor am I the dumb ass that a person in my life is making me out to be and if you read my last blog and what hell I've experienced over a six year period for NO reason but because a nut case has been allowed to get away with crimes we all could wind up having to deal with in the future if it is not brought to the publics attention soon and if need be by a United States Federal Court that makes certain I am not lost as a witness because some idiot that thinks he is God can manage my life as he or she or both see fit!

Read my last blog like your life depended on it and pray for me because although I am in the position of being a victim I have no money and the money may have to come from outside this place to investigate and prosecute a crime as stated that could be so common place in our lives if not defended against by our federal government lives could be lost that may have been much more important than mine but mine is important to me as well so read.

Take sides because it is time to do just that- justice and freedom from harassment and oppression just in a very different way than in the past or allow it and hope you aren't next based on who has the most clout, influence or money to control your life!

Floyd C Wooley,

Thank you for your support and one way or another I'll figure out how to move on to a place of helping ADD ADHD and those that suffer depression as a result of the treatment received by the people in our lives and our life experiences as we age and learn more of our possible talents and also learn of those that hate us for being smart enough to know when we are being down-troddin for another's gain!

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