Thursday, February 16, 2012

Journal Entry: I'm trying to prepare my mind for tonight obscene attack me for telling truth and hoping like hell for Justice to intervene on a Federal Level like hasnt been seen in these parts, that I know of God save them all while they sit in prison. It has too happen to set a precedent nationally and for the world to see we do stand for freedom and proper treatment of our citizens. Otherwise we are ripe for lies, deceit, corruption that could see our country fall prey one day to fascism! I know that is far fetched to some and for some anarchists a dream come true but for patriots its a battle worth fighting for! Senator McCain your book makes life fighting for and that includes being able to break the cycle of depression and distraction that gets an ADHD, ADD person that has been tortured classified as bi-polar or worse in these parts! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! F. Clifton Wooley damn these in house criminals for destroying minds and lives!

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