Monday, February 27, 2012

Journal Entry: Me and the dog are trying to get a bath ! No wonder Valarie didnt want to sleep with,me. I wake squirming my feet. I have everyone telling me what to do 24/7 and I almost scaulded the dog. Thank God I just scaulded mysekf, I deserve it! How the hell did these people on ABC stay up all night? I'd get assaninated!I've been poisoned for less! They get to work and party all night long!? I think thats against the law! I wonder if they get quiet time on the International Space Station without feeling Insane? I had hoped someone would have though one of the Space Shuttles could be docked at the ISS and later retrofitted in Space and Fueling Station built before I saw Armageden. Thats ok it didnt have to the idea of an insane person, I just thought it was better than losing the vehicle so dependable. See Space 1999! I am taking my 4 pseudo-ephedrine's, my morning good mood if you wanna call it that is dipping. On top of it I still aint dressed. The phone isnt the problem. I'm just disorganized. I have to get angry at myself or take pills to get organized stay out of the dumps and I hate being told what to do! Oh shit a new asthma drug! What the hell is in that? Some woman hollered this. Credit is due! If they come up one more new drug out of that damn Amazon were gonna have to burn the damn thing down! The back door is closed. They been up all night still look like their doin fine! Was George S. Up all night too? Damn somebody said something. I'm tryin to not pay attention on top of it. We got a shave, our pants, belt and mainly our shoes on. My shin and knee are already tender from walking around in a circle.


I'm comeing back to life here. I'm even on the text page! Yea!

I'm almost out of caffeinated coffee, this pseudo-ephedrine just doesnt pack a punch. If you know I what I mean?

I have so much to do but the store is open anyway. Really it is. I just cant order anything until the first because my father spun me out financially last year!

I'm not angry about it I'm livid! But what can you do?

I'm not selling my Navy.

The bedroom is straight, I'm dressed and in the kitchen.

You know I'm an expert on being Spun?

Okay next?

Clothes are off the line and out of the way. Ill fold em later.

I've been spun for eight years on every medicafion known to man, you name it into a forced retirement!

Ill be damned!

Okay! Breakfast or gas from the John Deere to take a quick drive?

A drive to the corner store. No gas first. So breakfast.

Weiners and pancakes. Thank God we have meat to eat both Boo and I. Our eavesdroppers probably had a nice breakfast. I hope so.

It is hell to be put in a mental penal facility and tortured based on the eavesdroppers trying to successfully bring you too anger so you wind up being tortured using in facility drugs to bring about all kinds of emotions you have to control to get out as soon as possible to keep your sanity.

Breakfast is cooking.

Maybe the stress of writing this again will enable the police to put a stop to being spun in Harold Johnson kind of way. Judge Doyle sure could smell a rat. No offense to anyone that might not understand or maybe offended.

Between being helpless against what the eavesdroppers say back to you good or bad having fo try to help someone by reliving these memories for you I'm surprisd I'm just stressed.

Its all I can do with my life. I feel blacklisted and for all the wrong reasons. Truth be known.

I want to be deposed so badly by a grand jury on the past eight years in a real conference room. Whatever the line of organization.

I'm almost out of nicotine. I have four days to go!

These eavesdroppers are gonna cause me or someone elss a heart attack one day and what a waste of buman life.

Mr. Cochran you knew Mr. Johnson. You understand more about what I mean. If treat people with respecf you can help their lives in a more humane way.

I'm talking before the life is lost and they are in terrible system of torture and un

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