Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Journal Entry: Sitting in the car on the Causeway listening to Beautiful!


I just thought I would check in.

I'm sitting in my Cav on the Causeway. I can't stand not being mentally strong enough to overcome what happened to me this morning and the burden of hell I carry in my ears!

What was done to me is an abomination to this planets people and the trauma of continued trauma being added so that some asshole can get his kicks while I try to hold out for a public condemnation of the program that is used to control and torment poor souls is unrelenting in its continued damagd.

I just cant get in a crowd and handle the possible mistaken motives of my personal war against tyranny!

God the pain and suffering these people cause and claim it is in some positive use!

The people's mind damaged can't be repaired at least easily who the hell knows?

I've been through every know atrocity known to man in a house of horrors then lured to another to be further traumatized in a house prepared to finish the job of killing my resolve but I love crowds and people?

Adderrall Xr and Vyvanse are the only medications or a real Coast Guard Cocktail help the Trauma and I'm tortured relentlessly to tell a lie!

I want so bad to be back in a crowc on Dauphin Street with the power of that medication in all its wonders.

Poor Boo Boo. Shd is my best friend and she could be a matchmaker but she has been attacked too and I cant get past my fear of ridicule or questioning to hardly help her.

She needs me and I need her but we both need a woman in our life to wake up too but ive been run through the terrible system that makes a shy person by nature a recluse.

Damn those that are involved and have been.

Happy Mardi-Gras and raise your glass in free will but be careful.

This medicine im on isnt strong enough to get me in a crowd!

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

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