Saturday, February 18, 2012

The story of what happened after the loss of Dr Bergman!


To be honest with you I'm not sure if I have written this story of the hell I went through and the accumulated and direct damaging effects the loss of Dr. Bergman as my doctor had on my immediate family or not.

My wife, children including my son Clifton Lee Wooley whom I saw very little of during a long span of time in fact has and is still affected by the loss of Dr. Bergman.

For the record I was being so tortured beginning well before Classic Southern Homes was forced into chapter 7 by the insane acts of my father that at one time he had even taken it upon himself to try to run the Coone job.

I was in terrible shape and those actionx should be investigated as to my treatment or mistreatment and his involvement. It is interesting at least to note I was made to feel like I was wrong or unable to do my job at that time in late or early 2004 and 2005.

I feel I was prevented from doing my duties on purpose.

Remember this is after my fathers colon cancer surgery and chemo therapy.

My wife got me to Dr. Bergman. She was also blamed for me losing Dr. Bergman as was I.

I may have contributed as I still had my manhood and confidence as well as a trusting heart.

I was slowly having success with Dr. Bergman. I had a job in Lake Forrest I could have completed at the higher and safe doses Web MD even verified in a reply to a letter I had written to them during that time period!

Yes my friends that is the truth. That letter did exist and I and Dr Ney should have copies. Mine are missing. All ten copies I made. LOL! Truth!

The bottom line in setting this story up is that it could have been my sister that caused the loss of Dr. Bergman.

I'm not sure how much more I can write because it causes great stress writing what happened after I lost Dr. Bergman.

It ruined at least another year of my life.

I did meet Dr. Mace and make a court aopearance with Mr. Grodsky on the last of my Adderrall Xr but I couldnt finishh the Durrant job.

God I tried the day before court working a driving rain to trim a french door with my own hands but I wanted to cry when it just rained and rained and I knew I needed the 40 mg of Adderrall Xr for court the next day.

I had already been let go by letter with no thirty day suplly of medicine even offered til I found a doctor!

I knew I was in trouble when my father showed up on the job and the Durrants began acting nervous.

I feel strongly a pridef and deceitful act by my father put D and E pharm. Out of the legal sale of Ephedrine at the same time period!

He knew damn good and well what he was doing but it was on false grounds and a shame and a disgrace because he had his storm troopers all over me!

He knew I wrote Web MD under extreme pressure!

Hell I couldnt be allowed to win it would ruin the big lie!

Dr. Mace I met six months later as I was still falling victim to my fathers advice. They hated doctor Mace but he worked for Dr. Chalub the SOB!

After he ran me ofc with my fathers help some friends tried to save me by getting me too Dr. Shaikh.

Iwas almost executed and Doctor Shaikh was defamed in a massacre in my old home with the help of Taylor Wilkins of Bay Minette.

Thats all I can stand right now.

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

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