Saturday, March 24, 2012

Journal Entry 032412-B: Okay.Oh God! Thank God!


Thank God for the pseudo-ephedrine. I took two more Equate 30 mg's before breakfast.

Who knows what is going to happen today in this civilian run concentration camp?

I understand partly what I passed off initially as another attempt to discredit The President of The United States in a news report the other day about 300,000 people ready to defend their rights!

The reason was that I had lived through the tragedy at Waco and the Tragedy in Oklahoma City!

Many blamed the President.

It wasnt his fault it was rogues on the ground at Waco that either carried out orders or were utilizing their own brand of justice on those poor people at Waco and an ill advised counter attack at Oklahoma City.

I dont know but history should be sacred in our country so the same mistakes arent made again in some other obscene displays!

Maybe this time around it started as a divide and conquer action by religious zealots in our own country?

What denomination?

I am afraid to offer my opinion only time anc hopefully a panel of historians can get it right for the sake of our fututer generations so they may be vigilant?

I am sorry to say I don't think we will!

God bless America, our President, Mr Barak O'Bama, his family, administration and their obvious successes and remember they walked into one hell of a mess including the oil spill that took time and as one commentator put it time is capital! Time is money used or lost .

I'm too weak too write anymore!

Thanks too everyone that Loves our country and what it really stands for!

Thank you Mr President O'bama, ete for your Service to your country regardless the numbers will speak for themselves and win you another 4 years!

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

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