Sunday, March 25, 2012

Journal Entry 032512-E: The next few days are going to be touch and go with this p.a. System in this house, being put out of business, out of money and low on pseudo-epedrine, Intuniv, Clonapam and Tylenol pm trying to get out of this house with out a fight between me and the people on the list and their friends. If I make it too April without them hurting me it will be a miracle. I'll try to keep it under control but this system of adult torture by deception and this and that I hope will end when I get away from the primary intagonist and their friends and associates. My trust is with my friends, my ex-wife, children and the Justice Department! I plan the cut back on sleep meds tonight and I'm already down to 90 mg of pseudo-ephedrine a day! The antagonist can hit you at anytime and the results are disatrous! Pstchologically and Physicalky! The list of antagonist is here for everyone, primary that is! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley p.s.- Please dont allow this system used on me be used on your family members! Please for the Love of Love be vigilant against all bullying!

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