Sunday, March 25, 2012

Journal Entry 032512-G: Meds taken tonight. 1/2 3mg Intuniv, 1 - Clonazapam, 2- Equate Tylenol PM's. Incoming verbal will increase. It has lasted all night recently and I fear dropping back on meds may feed a frenzy of assaults as has been done previously with disastrous results! The immobilization appears as my own Isolation and is used on me relentlessly verbally if I run out of meds. Unfortunately a change in tactics by harming my hearing or worse has made the last couple of weeks even more miserable. The original attacks on my person physically and medicinally started years ago with all types of tricks and manipulation. The latest personal poisoning of medications to the extreme occured last early summer when Shire approved my application for their assistance program. Ruining my chances to build a business. These attacks began after a series of cinancial attacks by I cant think of the word but the attacks were brutal and I resisted by the only means I had to no avail! The details are many and my mind tired but many can be retrieved once the assault is complete or prevented. Look at my best posts! They usually were built under heavy assault earlier on! I get stressed in my present condition too badly to write this book in detail at the fear of being distracted by the verbal attacks especially if angry in nature or demeaning psychological testing! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley p.s.- wish me luck, this is how criminals get you in jail or mental penal facilities by force as you age and weaken even at 45! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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