Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Journal Entry 032612-E: Damn yall! Not damn yall! I just got out of the shower.

Me and Boo just got out of the shower!

I got screamed at so loud I almost lost a hemroid. I had to tell the truth it hurt so bad I almost passed out.

I missed a call I hope it wasnt Val.

I hadnt even had time for my SU-24 to take effect. I'm so ready to be free of this concentration camp and the awful people that run it!

19680 will go down in history as almost as bad as 167!

Anyone could fall victim to the lie of hearing something that isnt there but really is in the 21st Century!

Advertise a new business getting people to a safe zone and out of the concentration camps and be clear about it and you'll get rich!

I mean call it the human rescue project and restoration project on live television for goodness sakes before the country goes broke state by state that pays these awful people to break the federal government with our own money that could be earning interest for later use.

You know what I mean dont you?

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

P.S.- I had a whistle blown in my right ear just before writing this likd I cant feel the damn mass of matter that is in my poor body!

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