Monday, March 26, 2012

Journal Entry 032612-A: Good morning planet! I hear what sounds like a Dove out of my left ear again and a loud whirring in my right ear, light incoming verbal I'm trying not to listen too, infact there playing the damn you write while we are quiet game on me cause I bought Admiral Denton's book and read it aloud too myself. This is gonna get so ugly. Last night it was games to bewd night so I got irritated with listening to that crap knowing I would feel something like I damn do. Damn I have oh I guzzled some wine to get to sleep. Then Boo woke me up to get in the bed and the noise brought on some verbal and my right ear was already whirring. Damn my mother was right I am going to wind up in the damn mental hospital for life because of this listening to torture and having some damn idiot take away all my abilities and turn me against everyone but the problem is mother they live with us and we dont control any damn money anymore! Have the best day you can if your free and let me see if I have some damn creamer so I can have one more day this month! Everything in life counts. Hell I could blame Valerie for starting me on coffee when she worked at the Waffell House on DIP but I dont cause I love the woman too damn much! She just didnt want me to fall asleep at the wheel driving to Ciba-Geigy and every other plant up hwy 43! She worked the 11-7 shift! I worked the 6 to 6 shift so we were like to ships passing in the night! We still loved each other no matter what! Hell the coffee! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge Planet! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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