Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Journal Entry 032612-I: Just took some bi-directional incoming. I'd name names but I have been through the anti-attention, anti-id, anti-live program of which manufactured stress is used to get you in the hospital or jail so you can be tortured for being honest and hard working under the guise of drug addiction which we all ought to have just admitted to by now! Hell I'm addicted to everything including life arent you? Now I had another point to make? I want to to affirm my opinion that there is no and never has been a condition called Manic Depression in the 70's or Bi-Polar Disorder as it is now called! I havent met a successful case of a treated person yet in 45 years and I truly beleive it is a made up disorder to control and destroy lives or simply a cop out from another condition or to use to get disability benifits, period! It is the worst possible condition to claim or be treated for and until I meet someone that takes the same group of meds for ten years straight and moves up the chain or ladder successfully to improve their own life and that of family with regards to the American Dream I'd rather die than take that awful crap! It's just a way to be a selfish arrogant control freak if a family member even mentions it especially if you are a type A personality as a child! Children and Teens leave as soon as a parent or guardian even mentions it but do it in a way and time that is safe! Now put me in jail for challenging a myth that is manic depression! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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