Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Journal Entry 032612-J: Shew! I stressed my own self out for a change! Looking for an Online Free Simple ADHD Test I could take for the fun of it, be honest and not I repeat NOT, give my name, e-mail address or GPS coordinates to some Coach from Hell or get some balogney about if I buy some (LOL), Sorry, Im laughing so hard im sweatin! Anyway. I think I got control of myself. Damn. I dont want no homeopathic cure, sorry again, ive lost it laughing! Okay. Damn, just send a link for a free one cause I'm bored out of mind! You know what I mean if you've been through the ADHD disability program! Well now there's hell on earth! God bless, Peace Love and knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley,

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