Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journal Entry: I barely have the energy to read in fact I dont. I knew last night after losing that window of time after you take your sleep meds and they came back on me with a different angle of attack prior to the next round of sleep meds had a chance to take effect I may have been set up both ways. In other words it didnt matter last night except I had to fall asleep even if with a continued verbal assault I would have lost my attempt to control my emotions and it wouldnt have made any difference. I'm still proud that door is laying in the front yard because no one in law enforcement or state government is welcome here! The Federal Government and my friends no problem! LOL! Yeah I'm laughing my ass off. The people I met from Dubai yesterday at the pier were so damn nice! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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