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Testing a theory and the result as published!
Current mood: hopeful
Category: Life
Today began in the a way that I hope could be repeated every day for me, myself and I! LOL! Yeah Tri-polar is yours truly. I'm the first of that generation of freaks of nature! No probably not because someone would just tag me as having multi-personality's or something so scratch that one and let's stick to hopefully ADHD which if I'm not I ought to be shot for getting on here and trying explain anything in the first place.
I got a text from a friend, well I wish more than a friend but friend is where a relationship should begin anyway in personal opinion like it or not.
As I was saying I received the text from a friend and it lifted my spirit when I was testing a theory and the results were beginning to show but the results of the test of the theory were positive but the result was conclusive in that I had been right about something that for years I had just considered. Okay I'm not sure I'm holding your attention and I'm confusing myself so let's put it this way in some form of organization.
Theory: That a residual positive effect from ADHD medication take in the day before would give a person the control of symptoms such as:
1.) In Action ie: No action
a.) procrastination
b.) indecision
c.) negativity toward trying to reach a goal
d.) making excuses not to try
e.) beating yourself up
f.) You can add your own personal definitions of failure to succeed
2.) Depression
a.) See number 1.) and as you become frustrated with "In-action" depression compounds itself and so far anti-depressants seem to make it easier to lay down not move on except (1) and I may be the only person that to say this but energy without direction, focus, motivation makes you feel like an idiot and look or act even worse. Throw in bad case of heart-burn, a late visit to your doctor, a short-acting generic adderall, excitalopram, lamictal and the heart burn medicine that in the prescribing literature of most medications tells you makes some medications ineffective and some major distractions that I might get assasinated if I list again in a blog in situation that is life or death for a squirrel in the first place nothing but disaster can be the result! If you don't understand then ask me in person and I'll provide the details.
Note: The doctor that prescribed those medications had recommended an ADHD/ADD specialist that I was trying to figure out how to pay for at the time and I still hadn't spent enough time with my present doctor to trust her judgement on what my symptoms were and I had been pressured to make some money so I was afraid to get bogged down in the wrong medications. We were on the right track we just hadn't had time to explain all these things in detail as I can now in hindsight so I don't see how I can hold the doctor responsible. Thank God for some mercy by some folks in places of authority and my own desire to keep anyone out of the cross-fire of my life if possible.
I could go into more detail about ADHD and what NOT to do but the bottom-line is I tested my theory after a good nights sleep and the result was being able to get a little less than 4 hours of residual effect before I began to feel the little change you feel when your meds where off and you start to speed up (hyper-activity) and begin to feel like you don't want to make another decision and so on and so forth.
The positive thing is that you do have a residual positive effect from your ADHD medication unless you haven't slept in days be it your fault or some other person's relentless campaign to make you appear what you are not!
Whatever the heck that might be.
I'm going to leave it to you and Concerta to explain that as they in fact once did display on their web-site warnings that some people just hate to see anyone medicate their child for ADHD!
That is the reason for the once-a-day pill in the first place!
Does that work? If you are ADHD/ADD you already know and if you aren't you should and to my knowledge after taking the prescription medication and self-medicating for years as said before on an over the counter medication: NO!
I sure don't want anyone to miss out on the benefits nor do I want anyone coming home frustrated because their once a day pill didn't hold it's effectiveness through what is for an adult the most important part of the day and for a child is well also the most important part of the day!
School is important yes! After-school can be instrumental in learning from your life experiences and if you don't feel like studying for what ever reason then your day was wasted and you everyone one of you understands that!
By the way it nice to sit and have a hair cut, grocery shop in some type of organized state and listen to a sermon on Sunday morning as well.
God has to be in this mix because if not I don't want to be involved myself!
Today was positive now I hope to use the rest of it in some positive manner on my second dose of medication and God please help me to not have to lose another day of my life to my own stupidity by letting the actions of others ruin my life as well as please don't let me miss out on the opportunity to see others do the right thing and that most likely will cure this depression which has so many connotations or sub-definitions that it gets ridiculous trying to explain it in the first place.
Faith as my father puts it is that this life is a time to prepare for the next I agree but I also know that without utilizing this life to your potential is a waste and he hasn't wasted his nor has my mother or anyone I admire, trust and listen too for guidance regardless of their age, gender, race, etc.
LOL! Please keep your advice to an organized list or something because I may say I don't agree but I have to think about it, check it out and decide on my own if I want to use it in my life.
That is why I believe there aren't too many atheists in the world and if so they probably aren't selling drugs! Medication, pharmaceuticals, herbs, supplements or even the man around the corner selling honey which is a natural cure for certain allergies! LOL!
Love, Peace, knowledge, God is another category in my mind anyway one that is above all else unless your church harasses your spouse! Well I can't go there and neither should you! LOL! They are doing the best they can okay! The spouse I mean! God he will handle the rest as my father says, not us!
Floyd C. Wooley
p.s.- I bet you think I come up with some of this stuff? Nah just assassinate me if you won't to but I'll be where I think I'm going and you will too!
The result: Yes there is a residual effect that last positively into the next day for a short time.
Problem: None! I went to sleep. Slept well and got up focused & motivated for about four hours.
Why this doesn't work well during the day?
We will explain that later. Which if you will remind me is pretty important.
Shew!!!!!! Right now I'm manic in some people's opinion but not in other's thank God!
Test yourself and be honest and as for the day it lasts longer than a night's sleep plus 4 hours at most! So no need to theorize why you need more than one dang dose in a 24 hour period!
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