Let's rock! Bring your old women and youngins it'll take em all to whip me and the Tide!
I believe in fight to win and win it will be in the lowland's, the hills, the valley's and wherever the hell else you want to to the fight!
I'm not even one of those that cares what we are fighting about just a good damn fight!
Rolll Fuckin Tide!
I still have the sticker I got in Fairhope that says just that RFT! That is in Crimson and white!
God bless, God Speed, pass the ammunition even if it's a cross bow and we'll take em all on cause there's an Island somewhere big enough to hold all 300 million of us!
Give us time time and well figure out how to build a nuke and well use it on your ass! Men, women and your damn children!
Oh yeah Love, Peace anf fuck your knowledge!
Floyd C. Wooley
P.s.- I say all of you are welcome on this Island that salute the stars and bars with a star for each lost tribe of Israel, don't tread on me inscribed and something else I thought of earlier but like well figure it out later! Black, White, Hispanic, Red, Yellow and all the colors of the rainbow are welcome! There might even be some giants out there according to the bible that look like us that are more than us that might like us if you read Genesis! I don't know what Goliath's problem was maybe he wanted David's woman!
P.s.- We've lost a few things in war and our minds well "what the hell"!
Ref: Herbert W. Armstrong
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