riends and visitiors,
I have to apologize!
One of my excuses just got me and I'm so down in dumps about it I'd shoot myself but not really.
Internet Explorer sucks!
I haa whole paragraph I just lost! Damn-it!
That's one of those excuses we can list as our for buying for his damn thing and their for not fixing the damn thing!
I' been hit by enough shrapnel over the last three months to kill most people if it were physical!
Mentally I can hardly type but i'm damn alive and hing something positive comes from all this negative Karma- God forive me cause maybe your ot there on that damn planet we are so smart we just found for Lord's sakes!
I won't to write some more but I'm just not right right to get it done!
I have just begun to fight! Somehow! With out wthout Blue Blue Cross and Blue Shield to protectme from all the devil in those details!
Without Blue Cross and Blue Shield who the hell knows if I'll get my store open this season!
I I can answer the phone I'm so down. Haven't been this way in a while and it uusally is money and the lack there of!
I am lonely as hell but who wants to go sit anybody else's couch and make conversation when your down. Think about it!
Ty don't move to Alabama til I sound the all-clear! firstyour ADHD then your depressed then yo wind up bipolar but all you straight son-of-bitchs mve on down cause we need you!
Bring your parteners woever or whatever they maybe- Aliens are okay!
You know what I mean? I hope not!
God Bless, Peace, Love, And knowledge!
-Floyd C. Wooley
P.s.- All my other pages are there becuase I used to be involved in all of them and thanks to everyone that made that possible!
Search Amazon.com for easter
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