I've been Had by a lot of People but Boo Boo! Laughing!
Last night to make matters worse! I'm serious here. But it's actually pretty funny how she pulled it off!
I told someone the other day she taught me tricks and now I know she has the ability to trick me!
Let's see I'm having trouble telling a funny story because I have been turned in so damn much for crap that I'm being led the wrong direction here for some reason.
It sure isn't from a lack sleep and that's whythe story is so funny and hell kinda sad!
I was doing so damn well back in December and prior writing what came from the heart and the memory I'm about to cry that I am ina situation that I can't find some humor interesting enough or put a humorousspin on a tre but miserable subject that just happens to be going on in my life.
You see I'm not doing what anyone wants me to do. I'm trying do what I want to do at 45! Well i'm not 45 yet but I will be in a couple of months and the truth is the truth so I might as well say it but it helps you to not really want to die if you are isolated in a stand-off battle with people that you are angry at for a good reason that are blocking your every move because you aren't tech savy enough to figure out a way to get out of the trench warfare that people can use against you in the 21st Century!
It's similiar to the trench war that the English fought in France with the Germans and their allies in World war I!
Isn't it amazing that they were Christians too and that they couldn't get along except at Christmas! Yes you can read about that at wikipedia most likely if my memory serves me correctly and if I fail to get all the facts right research it yourself but they sounded a truce with each other because they heard each other..... Sorry I had a light bulb go out and I had to prepare to make a last stand with my fists! Laughing!
Back to the story of christmas of war between christians.
Internet Explorer is still shutting down on me so I'm back from that now too!
Three Doors Down oughta write a song about my life and certain events that take the cake! I sure wish I had one from the Little Cake Shop in Spanish Fort, Alabama! Just a random thought I thank God I'm allowed to have and share with you!
What happens after the cake ain't so bad either and since at one time that wasn't a crime to share with the world if you know what I mean I had planned the following.
That my friends was to share at minimal cost to you; with world in a tribute to Love and Beauty that although that got me in trouble regardless of what the reason given was back in December, that is for me being turned in- that is what I'm talking about when I say I was turned in.
"What the hell as uncle Gary would say"! They called me up and let me have it on the phone after they interupted my original effort in the first place without much more than something in writing that would say they had the damn right to do that but none-the-less they did what they did to stop something and then continued after the fact to the point that the most severe damage to my attempt to complete the task has been the pyschological damage that they were able to induce through a third party.
The rest may be just speculation on my part! I'd have to have my own private investigator to fill in a long line of events that if I speculate on without the services of such would have to be based on percentages or circumstntial evidence and I wouldn't to vote to convict on those premises in most cases unless I was angry and under attack which is what the hell I've been trying to say all along here even when I put out an angry post!
The angry post is a direct response to an attack upon my person.
In fact it relates to those christians taking a break at Christmas because to digress just a bit they heard each other singing christmas carols or somethin and sounded a truce walked out of their trenches and had Egg-nog and Beer but that might not be facts so check it out on Wikipedia or Wiki-leaks for God's sakes!
I'd donate to what's his name if somebody would donate to me but I'm too stupid to get a donate button on my sight muchless fend off the people i'm in Trench war-fare long to make some money and pay some taxes so the people that can come up with a great idea like a space craft that ca get us to mars and beyond in a short enough time as I tried to see on Alabama Public Television
broadcast the othe night due in part to donations from you the public concerning the work being done in our public and private university's such as oh you should have seen it!
The lady from India that came to this country againsther mother's will and because her father was a fighter pilot in the Indian Air force and most likely would be like about the rest of us ADHD people and a thrill seeker wouldn't you think?
Hell thee are a lot of us thrill seekers that like to have some training in ourthrills so we most likely increase the odds that we can get a thrill and live to tell about it!
Some of us just wing it!
I'm a little off track with this story but I get a little emotional about people such as the lady that I speak of being able to break free from her moher's grip and move to America to follow her dreams and have the story shown on PBS!
The bottom line is follow your dreams I guess have some education in the field and read a little history so you won't be suprised by anything that one person, a group of people or a nations wind up doing to each other!
Maybe you'll get your story told on PBS some day!
Otherwise you might wind up like a lot us and in the nut house or worrying about if that will happen to you again for just trying to get some facts on a subject and in the process winding up feeling like your shit list or much worse!
That brings me back to a point! If you are a parent and you want the best for your children support what they want to do like the father from India and if they are ADHD or ADD or whatever the case may be make sure though the diagnosis is correct and if the treatment is wrong or you are told their is no hope get them to the best place on the planet like the friends of ine that wound up in Memphis at the St. Judes Children's Research Hospital and not well let's leave it at that but it was also made possible by one our local builder's if my memory serves me correct that was able to assist with an Airplane.
I better log off and I wish you well as B.B. King would sing!
I apoligize for the randomness and for not only my part in but the part played by anyone else to make it seem as random or whatever some body may think and write or use or pledge to do aainst me o anyone else for that matter for being the person Iwant to be on too few occasions to not be random!
I'll get the post about last night out maybe on the Gulf Coast Girls! Shopping page!
God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!
-Foyd C. Wooley
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