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Floyd C. Wooley Enterprises
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Okay the time has come for me to call an attorney if I am going to live free and as I should!
I don't know if I can find a soul that cares about me much less enough ADHD and every other person that could be basically hijacked with what seems like a gps chip on steroids that is not under my dogs skin and the only chance I have to fight the damn situation is on ADHD medication when I want to be happily working, Loving and making a life for myself and that is the truth!
If I'm so damn crazy that I can hear three people talking out of my ears in stereo and my own thought can be interjected over someone else's every once in a while then the only hope is to have someone else hear it and testify that I'm sane!
If I have fought eight years to be able to make the decision when to go to bed and I'm not allowed to even do that and not once has any sincere effort has been made to investigate the validity of my claims of torture at the hands of a group of people that think this system is the next coming of christ which is a bunch of crap then the poor people I've met that have been told it's just in their head and that a couple of Depacoates or more will quiet the noise when I know only an I-pod will then slavery is possibly on the rise in our own damn country!
The other people done this same way may have lasting damage to their minds but we all can stand together with a lawyer to fight this tryanny of a proportion I sadly didn't know existed but I have now for eight years and it is absurd to torture an ADD, ADHD or any other person with propaganda and worse threats of violence to their person in their home making life almost impossible to take back to it's original heights on an ADHD medication but that is okay because if I have just been damaged and it's not possible quite yet to do what a cheap car radio can do and that is transmit and receive from within our minds then the people I know are just traumatized and therapy may save our sanity and freedom.
Continued type's of this type of torture toward people that may want to make something of their lives in this country is a damn crime isn't it? I would think hell yes and I want anyone else that feels their lives are being ruined as well to let me know and I'll pass it on to my lawyer!
I never signed up for disability permenantly and that is killing some folks in my world and they have know idea what I'm about only what they seem to use as weapons of the worst type to bring not only me but many other's I'm afraid to their knees but even though I actually have seen this lie in a so-called hospital and as a beautiful young woman burst into tears and proclaim "I can't stand the thought of another person being told a depacote will stop a direct and extreme danger to the intended victim and anyone that lives in their home because it puts everyone in a place of having to lie and say they either don't hear the crap or that only one poor soul is the one that is losing their mind when no pill will work and no one that is ADD or ADHD can live a life their potential without the medication that an open transmitter with multiple sites in your home and limited sites in your vehicle for so-called decent people to harass, threaten and potentially kill you and when you protest you wind up on the losing end of an argument with not only the perceived intruder but if you are constantly talked down by those so-called decent people you may wind up in one hell of a defensive position! Bottom-line!
You may have to ask loved one's to testify in a civil court and if they can't tell the truth then God help them and hopefully the damn KKK doesn't get hold of this idea if not already and other's that hate and not love as some of us prefer to be and to have anyone bring us to the point of looking like we hate is an almost unbearable burden that we have to carry with us until we reach this point where we decide to be just a little clearer and in that truth possibly hurt someone that thought helping us was to debilitate us!
I want to know the name and owner of the Company that provided the equipment almost 8 years ago that is getting to the point it is going to take a lawyer to determine the number of laws broken in just my particular situation so that a civil lawsuit can be filed and a list of other victim's be gathered so that this type of thing does not destroy our country with it coming down to more than one person at a time I can tell you that!
If it is allowed to continue in my life I will not even be allowed to use a tried and true medication that in a very similiar form that one is so-called demon drug with the other banned for having a "in my opinion" a phone bank of 15,000 people claim it caused insominia when my home video's show a man and his family moving in all the right directions!
Those home video's of me interacting with my family should if not win my civil lawsuit greatly enhance the chance that if just one family member will have the guts to say they if not involved were dealt the same misery or not as the victims at least it will bring closure to a disaster of a way to make a poor soul think at first they have lost hteir damn mind if everyone else is afraid to step forward but I know victims that will step forward hopefully there is already a land mark decision against thie action that has caused me to feel like if I don't solve it in a court of my choice the only other choice may be in a court of the monitors choice and the suffering that may cause me could be multiplied by the hundreds of thousands when all is known and damn I want to have have my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness restored!
With God as my witness and a few people that may give a damn and a few that don't care if I, you or anyone else wins because they are such control freaks that there goal is not to heal you it is to break you - mind, body and lastly if you have the strength hopefully never your spiirit but for some of us our spirit is prematurely put to death each month while we actually make progress using, taking and marveling that a medication and it's producer have survived a witch hunt that has almost if not in fact killed many! I don't know how many but the FDA and a couple of other agencies can come up with the numbers to back our claims.
Ronald Reagan had the heart to release many people and do what is only one of the few things I can claim now was the right thing to do and not the wrong because the prisons are full of people that as each day passes they as well lose life for crimes that do not equal the damage of some of what I have endured in crimes myself that have without a doubt have taken ten to twelve years or more off my life and sleep is the key?
No in a few days of struggling to focus past these idiots because many of those souls that are in prison were thrown up against the Wall for doing what was thought as possible an only and last resort to salvage a life I just I feel that in my soul and it is strong that those people and those of us trying to live long enough to see an atrocity stopped and lives saved for the countries sake!
I wish I was the last person out of my residential treatment facilty before I die of the misery of the threats of no life and more life spent behind a fence at a mental hospital for speaking up if I indeed continue to do just that because my doctor told me I could take my medication another 20 or 30 years safely and I know there are other's scared out of their minds to even go to a doctor!
The only problem is when asked what time I go bed I had to stop cold and think "how do I answer this damn question?"
Do I tell the truth and tell the doctor that I go to bed at 5 a damn clock if I can sleep because not of any other disorder than no peace and quiet a problem that could be solved and not one pill helps! It takes several other's that some people call the one that makes us angry when in fact it saves our lives and if not for people like the man that owned Metabolife or one of the other companies put almost out of business if not out completely companies like Shire and the Company that owns Concerta have helped save my damn life and I am forever greatful for not only the medication but the idea that someone is brave enough to right a wrong which is the lie that ADD and ADHD people are Lazy!
Hell I'm just trying to fight the idea of being in a place where the poor sane people come in fine and in a few days on the damn mood control medicine wind up seeing demons and walking around in a damn daze only to get out and as in my case "my doctor said my God if we don't get you back on some Adderall you may not make it home! And another time a woman saved my life as did two or three other's did by one woman I'd ask out on date if she were single because she stopped me and asked me "Cliff what the hell are on!" I said that damn Depacote and she asked has anyone considered you may be ADHD?" I thought thank God I don't have to tell anyone of these people that I'm about to walk myself to death one more time because I at least felt like I had a chance even if I wasn't allowed to sleep! Why you ask? Well Decaf aint completely decaf and Benadryl only works for some reason at my house for a few days then I wind up hyper, miserable and not one damn bit ashamed that I didn't lay in that bed and listen to a Intercom system that it might take the damn FBI with the guts to help somebody wrongly judged and prosecuted with no paperwork but scars that only heal when I get the damn medicine back it would be nice to use on schedule for god damn sakes!
It isn't like I haven't made my own damn schedule but you'd think saving a business or making love was a crime a few years ago and porn it just get's a person by until they find someone to love and then who knows we might like it together! What a shame what many of us have lost for what?
The man that wore the ear plugs and had the book inside and I trying to find some distraction of my misery and curious because he looked like one of us! One of us is a walker that likes to read! And make love after work!
What crime is that? Well ADHD, ADD and Depression are Hell on your whole body and I'll be damned if people still don't understand that it get's worse with stress and life's experiences and to punish without malice as I was and still am to some degree in this house is nothing that I would ever be silent on until they pry the last damn Vyvanse or Adderall out of my hand then I may have to find the damn Metabolife man because truth be known I thinl the damage is severe to my psych because I m either down off the medicine sleeping as much as god will allow which is damn lie nothing helps me sleep but peace!
The idea I that led to listen too that I just will not sleep on ADHD meds might damn be because I've been double-crossed by people on an audio intercom from hell so if I come out side just wave and holler cause if your tortured I'm on your side and we can win!
I'm just so hyper by mouth or leg; off my ADHD medication for that short time between being put under enough pressure in house to break a person that I defiantly have to make a stand peacefully by not succumbing to as much damn depression and urge to over sleep which is where I found my glitch at the doctor's office the other day. It's not control on my part its control on another's and I aint talking my other half in any sense of the word but you have to use it get somethin done or you might as well get more!
That last paragraph didn't meanwhat I meant in the proper order
Posted by
Battleship Marine
9:58 PM
Adderall XR,
positive reinforcement,

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