Thursday, January 5, 2012

ADHD: I screwed up!


I Told the truth. The more I tell the truth I tell the truth the more I get pounded! I know it is hard for some to believe in eeight years a forty-five year-old man can't find a way to prove he has told the truth and thenalty isn't life without parole in a so-called forced residential treatment facility and/or community service by turning in every person that even thinks about mentioning any pissible indicretion they might hear through what truthfully is a precurser to some crude form of telepathy or some shit that I would love to see out lawed.
What I really want to say while i'mm not angry at my tormentors is well im ADHD and my dog is distraxting me hold on.

Ok. Where was I? Okay I want the owners and insurers of the company responsible to go to jail and po ay me big bucks for destroying my life and the lives of everyone they have tormented in anyway.
I know what they have done to me! Trustme!
The bottomline should be i'm in business here and owe penalties and interest for just simple filing of a tax report for months last year, did I mention while being tortured that I was trying to start a business. Oh yes while i'm getting black listed by everyone for spelling all this out let say that I should have never been in this god awful program too start with but I was forsaken for the almighty buck and people have short memories but those of us that have long memories and can should remember each and every detail so that wgen it is said the last incident in our life that is the reason for todays attack with details of things on our mind already and added subjects we stop and think 'hell at least im not insane because im thinking one thing and these unknown at times group of people are discussing something else if not trying to in flame me so I look and feel like an idiot!

God knows who will read this but make this my number one post of all time as I approach 15,000 on my blog pages and call me a liar for being a sakesman but my customers no I dont lie except when this atrocity first started. Im sorry to say this started as an old fashioned way of destroying a life and they who I can only name to my attorney, didn't give a damn about the lives around me. That numbered in the hundreds as of my last count so when you make the decision to destroy a life make sure you consider the consequences ffor the lives of the many other people involved and don't say 'well I just didn't beleive in ADHD, ADD and the associated symptoms because a hundred years ago all we had for pain was cocaine, morphine and wiskey! I guess.

I learned the last time my medication was not adulterated because I refused to even go to sleep that our brain has what amounts to a docking station for morphine naturally. How did I learn this since I can't read?

Because Vyvanse is the best damn ADHD medication on the planet with Shire's Adderall XR being a nose behind at number two.

Why do I have this and that on my record as a father abd neighbor as well as husband? Because bad news sells best I guess.

The bottomline is like Nixon im innocent. Unlike Nixon I am easily led and bad now especially of procrastinatining alon gb with being sad as hell and I always will be angry at so many people involved in either lying to me, my family, my customers, my doctors and trying to kill me or my animals! Period.

I hope my true feelings are allowed to be read by the world but I hope I get to testify in a court of law again that puts several promenent people in jail and last but not leasts saves the bravest bank employew or person I know personally that did as was told on June third of 2011 but had the guts to let me know on bank video and audio in so many words she was sorry putting herself in jeopardy and me if the feds dont secure that video at my request here or by my attorney I can't ev ed n get to see at his office because ive been kept broke by people I named to my lawyer.
I sure hate I missed the Clemson game win or lose but I was being punished in clear and present way by wuireless or home wired technology.

God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

F. Clifton Wooley

Oh yeah. My grandmother had breast cancer in 74 or so. She suffered for many years. Now it might be a lum ectomy. So get the program people. No offense intended.

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