Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Opinion: The dude from Iowa might as well go see my doctor I love but just does'nt understand! I am sorry to say i'm not sure how to handle it. They tell us on the drug companies web sites to be 'brave' and 'expect any kind of opposition to our 'Treatment as ADHD' persons. Why is not considered a war that must be won by our doctors too and that anything is not only possible but probable if we are jumped first. That includes delusion of the truth by our enemies. Remember most crimes are committed against you by those you know and a manufactured and dangerous illusion but real threat the ADD and ADHD can be accomplished. Our doctors should never forget this and support us even with legal action to make sure we have our ADD or ADHD medication we are less than as capable to accomplish our goals. Those goals cannot be accomplished on the street without fear of reprisal even when we buy stimulants legally that are not as effective as the prescription we are so easily denied for being truthful. Be truthful. I have been thru hell for it but it's better to hold the high ground and wait for the general to send reinforcements at all costs. You see my preparations in my office for 2012 and you if ADD or ADHD would be dismayed. That's okay the group aligned against me may have means but they don't have the numbers we as a group have world wide. Just ask Shire or Concerta. As for me? I have a problem. I've been so many times I need assistance from an ADD or ADHD group to 'get the job done'. I'm sorry to say it but 'broken arrow'! That means I need every ADD and ADHD persons assistance in the next few months to continue to hold on to the truth and salvage my life and fullfill my dreams which are damn noble. See the PROUD IOWANS video! God Bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! F. Clifton Wooley

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