Sunday, March 18, 2012

Journal Entry 031812-B: To the Justice Department. I need assistance on the matter of protecting these writings regarding my perjuring myself by any off-hand comments I might make if you discover evidence of taping of the banter back and forth between myself and the multiple voices used to in this eight year and almost a month of discussions, arguments and personal assaults back and forth between all the parties involved in the possible use of over-dubbing and/or recording of words, phrases and/or preplanned assault of the senses to produce a result. I also need your help in determing all the crimes committed toward me, my wife, children or personal friends other than the ones I can personally Identify based on the clarity of their voice. Forgive my early and late posts oh hell yall I need some more coffee. I had an early morning bugle wake-up call and some nightly attemps to disrupt my natural sleep and dreams. That I can attest too! One last item before I run to the truck! In psychological survival mode to protect my sanity. What was it. I need copy right protection for some future possible use and protection of my name's use. God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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