Friday, March 23, 2012

Journal Entry 032312-A: The damage to my ears and it's raining? I'm about ready to give up. I have to listen to so-called voices from people I've come to hate and the damage to my ears they have allowed has me so messed up psychologically I can barely think straight much less stand the awful sounds in my ears from the whizzing and whirring; God I just got up and it's raining!! I have to get to a doctor and a safe-house from listening to the God awful butchers of the mind, body and spirit! Doesnt anyone read blogs from people that are telling a terrible truth? I am trying to warn you and help you and win my freedom before I have to go another place where a anger/mood control drug is used to destroy another persons mind and will to fight enough they cant even have the freedom to report a crime! I used to have all the options because I could work at my favorite choice of jobs and now I'm stuck here listening to people trying to brain wash me and destroy my mind too! My dog is sick and scared of the weather and I'm laying here being punished by brain washers that your suppose to submit to that should be in jail! I am afraid to go to the damn doctor of my choice on top of it because I've been brain washed 24/7/365 for at least eight years! My head is feeling like it is about to explode with pain! Oh Good morning to those that understand the truth! Good morning to those that dont but could very well find themselves in this hell on earth for nothing more than resisting! God bless, Peace, Love and knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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