Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers!
Current mood: tired

I have hundreds of real non-fiction accounts of being assaulted for no given reason other than the loss of a business after Ivan. God help us if a chain of events that are documented and as said before I have defended in court with success when able to be in court as I battled financial, depression and loss of confidence to name a few issues during this time including the fact one court case that my lawyer should have been there with me to help me defend and win the case through the support of my own records and the natural events that at least some people in our area understand most assuredly would have brought the victory I feel strongly now even our State has been misled and beat out of money on and that should never have happened.

Your bankruptcy attorney tells you straight up that he will not be there to defend your case as he did all others even before he billed me thousands of dollars more than he even mentioned would be possible prior to taking the case?

He had been there with this case previously! Why and how did he jst unilaterally decide that last case was not going to garner his attendance?

I want the entire story told in it's entirety as in the past if it doesn't do more than satisfy my own need mentally to have the other side told maybe someone else can benefit from hearing what I may have handled less than to my ability but please remember for my sake I also has just started a course toward a diagnosis of ADHD, depression of course and was already at this time being harassed with my family living in our house and afraid to openly discuss it but I will say my youngest son is brave and he let me know as did my daughter as these people tried to make matters worse and increased my depression that indeed they were with me at times!

My wife read me a bible verse one morning that told of the enemy being all around us! That chapter and verse is located in proverbs & psalms!

Once they were forced to leave due to my resistance to the assault and at times the stress that we all were exhibiting the assaults were intensified to unbeleivable levels. Each story is burned in my mind forever as a direct intrusion by unwarranted parties into our private home with out due process or even a letter of any kind nor any attempt to have me give permission for such an attack. assault, interrogations and attempts to have me kill myself on prescription medications by what would have looked like a suicide or accident!

One call to 911 as I was on the way to Thomas Hospital must be on record demonstrating my distress at having a verbal message played in my car over and over that I was already dead!

I will live to tell these accounts of what occurred and how ovr six years they have made my life almost impossible to live much less care for a wife and family or bring new freinds into our lives together or sperately!


F. Clifton Wooley

By the way Adderall soothes and calms as it focuses you to make such recalling of traumatic events possible otherwise the memories just remainand fester in your mind! Once the memories are let go they don't come back in a depression from Adderall as some would have you to beleive! My doctor reminds me each time she prescribes it that it is also an anti-depressant and I'm sure she does not mind as she is sincere in her efforts to help people!

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