Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm not whining or complaining I'm telling a non-fiction story


I'm not whining or complaining I'm telling a non-fiction story that you should read before some ass makes your life a living hell for bettering yourself!

Do you believe in America? Really believe or do you just take up residence and hope for the best? If you are truly a patriot and believe in this country I need your help! No I don't need anymore mental health help. That was to appease some folks in an effort to ease the pressure on me and some has been forced but that my friends in this State is about as easy as walking your dog! No offense to our dogs-mine is my service dog now!

Interested? I hope because I'm tired of being the fool that is too late to stave off disaster because I'm so nice and easy to get along with- yeah I hope that is the one thing being treated for ADHD does not do to make my life the laughing stock of a few people that could give the Taliban a run for their money in the hate and narrow-minded department!

Maybe they should join them so we can take care of the whole lot at once but as I was saying.....

Have you read the Bill of Rights or Constitution lately? Have they made any changes that we have all missed? I admit it would seem so at least in my home county or state! Baldwin County, Alabama that is!

Like I have said in the past and to no avail on many occasions as I have asked for protection from our local police; last night I decided to spend a little time on my computer and getting ready for Today!

One of the most important things was to visit a website for a parenting class that is required for a court date in august and that the class be completed! As required by my divorce court judge.

Guess what? The class is offered 24/7 365! In America? The land of the free and Home of the Brave! I've been talked to all night yeah I'm the crazy person here okay? A little tired as well! someone just spoke for the 1st time in a while. Thy said "he had to sing it too write"! Well damn do you think I believe these jerks? Some female just said "I invited someone over here last night"! Well damn I guess that was foolish of me in my own damn house to ask anyone to come over for God's sake! I rent it and my Dad said the place is mine so I know I didn't mistake his voice for a females? Lower the decibels and some are hard to make out but raise the decibels and you can nails the people! Well I am glad you didn't make it over although I had hoped you would for yalls comfort but hey after reading this I wouldn't come near this place unless I was nuts enough to listen in on the wire! Yep, they aint the FBI that's for sure but if they were I'd be clear and this deal would wind down and not with me debilitated from being medicated as is going about as planned it would seem! This mess evolves as I'm harassed and it would take federal help to solve it!

Sorry I was interrupted. It is a shame they made it a possibility that such a thing is common among people on Predator's! Remember it and the beautiful mind were just damn movies!

Well I had visitors that feel compelled to ruin every day of my life that is possible by harassing me with question after question about my life, business and love life if I can have one at all!

Six years running now if I don't comply with the rules set forth I get punished right here in America!

I had planned a nice retreat to bed around midnight or slightly afterward after having another great day! A benadryl is the ticket. But when you assault me in my home and rob my time which is my life I just have to sit and listen- Benadryl or not!

Heck I applied for a job online so I can get off this disability some day that is a fraud anyway because it was accomplished not by testing but by confinement, imprisonment and torture over the last six years to suit some groups agenda! No I'm not selling you a line of crap nor is this a joke!

I applied for disability twice canceling once only to reapply and the reason was strictly because of harassment and coercion on top of depression and the denial of verified, validated and confirmed diagnosis that should be known! No not the first one's but a new and clear diagnosis that does not include the effects of wholesale drugs given as if they are candy but the real one that shows from childhood a strong case for ADHD and the position by my parents that no such thing exists even to this day.

The book I am currently reading Think Fast "The ADD experience" reads like my life story! Thanks to my doctor for recommending it at my request for some self-help in uplifting my soul from such unnerving and radical people.

I made the awful mistake of letting these harassing nut cases alter my mind set to the point I asked against my own best interest that my doctor go in the exact opposite direction at last months visit and time is of the essence to get this straightened out so I can stay on a schedule that uplifts! I'm a damn fool for letting myself fall for this crap this long!

Thanks to a nice young lady that smiles and does not snarl at you that has come into my life I have a little more motivation but that is easily derailed by my disgust! And I'm supposed to like these people for doing this to six years of my life?

The diagnosis? Well I have at least two or three positive ADHD tests and depression that accompanied that loss as I have spoken of regarding a business I had worked tirelessly to make a success prior to and after a hurricane in 2004 only exacerbated the situation making me almost unable to function, add in the addition of medications that at times were almost absurd in effect and the depression became unbearable. I felt almost paralyzed at times extending to months and years as this harassment was allowed to continue! Why? Well someone and names can be had to accompany my complaints if I live long enough freely to share them that will explain, exonerate and free me if this is America?

I also Today accomplished something I haven't attempted since the last all out assault on my time by these verbal attacks which to you may seem benign but to me as stated in my last blog were executed by at least one person on occasion that had drill instructor training and was carried out over the fact I had been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication!

I was told that I was already dead repeatedly both in my home and vehicle as I attempted and succeeded in reaching a hospital after long verbal arguments in a home I handed ovr to my ex-wife months ago as I had planned to in any case just as promised when I purchased it for her in 1998!

The accomplishment today was to seek out clients for a lawn care business I have slowly been able to put together and the thing that astonishes me is that I was assaulted for no apparent reason! Why?

And why use psychological warfare on me in the first place? Well if the truth be known for no good reason and that is my reason for putting up these blogs since no law enforcement seems capable or willing to offer any assistance to a man that has been accused of some things mostly minor in nature and never convicted of anything more than well I can't think of anything but look it up.

I'm sure it would appear online somewhere that I in fact must be public enemy number one!

My night was ruined, my day is ruined and if I'm not careful I can be ruined even more just for claiming that in truth ADHD has been made into a means to destroy a life at the age of 44 in my Home state for reasons I would only find the answer to in a court room setting with an appropriate attorney and a transparency of the facts that would stop this unlawful and ridiculous attack on my freedom of speech, quality of life and pursuit of a better life as millions of other citizens I hope take for granted!

God Bless our country and I hope you believe in our freedoms and/or if you have been so harassed or assaulted in your area that together we can make this type action with out some due process of law or notice of the reason for such action against our citizens a known and defense-able situation through understanding the bigotry behind such miserable attempts to in my only best guess that would be to alter the victims way of life to suit another party's best interest against the victims will discounting any circumstances prior to, during or hopefully after the harassment!

I had to let this be known now as I am tired, disappointed in my local authorities and concerned the action could be to disrupt any attempt I may make at balancing my budget and rebuilding my life in the place of my choice over issues that I had thought were long since known, defended and successfully won in probate court, civil court, bankruptcy court and in the court of public opinion!

I could use some help of a legal nature to bring these individuals to a stand still and to allow my life once vibrant and successful to again be such without denial of any of my guaranteed freedoms as a person that although temporarily disabled due to circumstances beyond my control has nothing but made every effort and has been and would be successful in becoming productive with an income to replace my disability income in the allotted time and manner that our Social Security System has made possible for us!

How? By stopping this type crime in it's tracks and doing no more harm to a single person in this free and fair country! Yes it's fair and I appreciate your support. If this country is not free and fair then which will it be? That is which country would a sincere and honest person settle and why would we allow this situation to be in the first place where just for a difference of opinion anyone, myself or even you be harassed unabated for years with no recourse and if any attempt to peacefully end hostilities action is brought upon us to force our acceptance of a fallacy, fraud or simply a crime against our person.

Be wary of only one thing my friends and that are the attitudes that all stories such as mine are from nuts trying to get something for nothing and that fallacy that technology cannot be used to make your life miserable to the breaking point even as it is advertised as a life-saving advance!

Advanced communications technology can make your life miserable if used to harass not uplift!


Floyd C. Wooley

Read on socialsecurity.gov the damage depression that I now know without a doubt can be inflicted to a higher degree of intensity especially if prior ADHD/ADD was apparent regardless of your intelligence and age may have us to believe is possible! In fact my long held beleif that learning disabilities are possible even in an intelligent person are confirmed in the information I have gained from reading one book!

My father used to say I was just bored in school. No I loved History and hated and was confused by grammer and I completely avoided Algebra in my Christian school because of total lack of confidence I could understand it at all! Just a reminder I self-medicated on a medication that was legal in our country until I beleive Bush made it increasingly difficult to purchase in any form or amount and was in 2004 made illegal- Ephedrine! Made from the root of a bush that for 5000 years seems to have been okay in to be used in China and it focused me like a laser and uplifted me greatly! Yeah I am awake but not because of ephedrine nor any drug of my choosing nor am I bi-fucking polar for God's sake! Excuse the expletive!

The university of Cincinnati has expertise in such matters I learned while watching or trying to watch a game last fall. Maybe it was Ball St.

Last but not least! Speak long and loud with pride if you are ADHD because Edison is thought to have been ADD oh just read a book on the subject!

I can't help it anymore! I want a federal court to step in. Prescribe Adderall XR as previously and give me the opportunity to use my mind in it's entirety to nail every last one of these people for every last crime that could be in the book for denying a person their life and freedom for six years without reason! Who cares anymore who it turns out they may be in an investigation I want to live and contribute unbridled based on the facts in this case!

Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll#ixzz0tZEUe7GX

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