Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journak Entrt: Last night was a miseerable experiencee to say the least! Threats were flying both toward me and back toward the Muzak controlled point of assault. I had the verbal assault against me work on me til my sleep meds were past there peak which was what pissed me off and I told the SOB's exactly what I thought because you only have a short time to fall asleep and the volume so high a range I was miserable laying here for hours trying to handle my phtsical misery and psychological pain at being treated as if I were nothing more that verbal toy bobbibg from one or. Oh hell I decided to take another clonazapam and another half Intuiniv so I could fall asleep under verbal assault! I must have but its hard to feel much pleasure about it with my damn ear assaukted and no one to trust in Alabama to go to for assistance. Damn I'm tired! Good morning! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge? Not with these people running the show! Floyd Clifton Wooley My head throbs with infection and the whining of a sound in my ear and I still fight here online for you and I really wonder who gives a damn ?

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