Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journal Entry: U. S. Attorney's Office and Chris Bodnar? Please get me out of this place thru another channell before I damn die please? I cant handle being attacked daily 24/7 365 much longer please! I did not sign anything much less to be a quinea pig! I am half drugged up and financially broke, physically mauled and psych ok logically worn thin from last night awful assault on my senses! I was in and out of sleep tested like an animal last night! Qater might be an even better refuge so none of the Alabama fascists can reach me! Anywhere? Colorado might have more Peace, Love and Knowledge human beings but it may not be close enough to the Sea! Hell I didnt get to watch the whole show anyway! God Help our Nation President O'bama survive The type of assault on Freedom found in Alabama! Peace, Love and knowledge is all I want for our People! Floyd Clifton Wooley I just took my SU-24!

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