Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Journal Entry: Is this wholr country insane but me? If I had the goddambed GPs Coordinates of these sorry criminaks and command of the U.S.S. Alabama, I'd launch Tomahawks on these criminals I'd take out the fascist bastards and bitches in lieu of spending the money to put each one of them in jail! I'm screaming at them and their screaming back but nicely placed missile up their asses and we would end this miked up wired shit quickly! Now I'm already crazy for posting this shit in terms somebody besides the crooked FBI should be able to find some evidence on so I can be the peace love and knowledge person. Pick me up Homeland Security and give me Federal Protection as I asked in person and I'll do my best for the justice department before we have an army base turned on another with this Muzak technology! I need medical attention soon but not at the VA hospital in Jacksonville for God's sake! George Shorter works there and I'm not sure he is friend or foe! Please come back by! I'm suffering here and I'd like my last home to anywhere but in Alabama! God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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