Thursday, March 15, 2012

Journal Entry: Note it is not and implore you to understand it is not Cymbalta's fault about my disdain for the Alabama State Mental Health terror network and the terror employed both in and out of the State of Alabama's horrid terror network that is close but not quite as bad as a pow camp but might just be State funded sytem of mis-diagnosis and use of any place you live as a way to perpetrate a lie in what amounts to a Nazi style concentration camp system not unlike possi ly described by members of the Florida group. I would hope they would stay loyal to our Federal Government because that may be a system started by previous administrations in the State you live! Intunive and Shire you have a great Product and Company Intuniv is just strong at 3mg and nothing is worse than a sedated ADHD person being tortured in their enviroment! I was tortured last night by a clear and present danger of person whom where abouts should be rooted out and a trail back to the source be found and terminated by prosecution of those responsible. God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge! Floyd Clifton Wooley

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